Discuss the health care beliefs and practices of the group.

Prompt: Select a cultural group of your interest. Discuss the health care beliefs and practices of the group. In your paper, take into consideration the language, health beliefs, access to services, and cultural support of the cultural group you select and answer the following questions:
-I choose the Hispanic culture and my community is Pinellas County, Florida.
If the cultural group resided in your community, compare and contrast those health belief practices to healthcare services available in your community.
What measures would you take to assist the group to obtain the available health care?
What recommendations would you make for the services that are not available?
The paper must be structured and provide arguments that are supported, at least in part, by evidence gathered from outside sources. At minimum, the paper must contain the following:

a working thesis with an arguable, analytical claim.
a specific set of evidence (quotes, page numbers, etc.) to prove that claim, not just “example to prove my point,” or something similar. The evidence and how it proves the thesis must be apparent. Papers must include at least five

(5) scholarly references and five (5) to seven (7) pages in length (excluding title page, abstract and references).
fully developed, cohesive paragraphs with topic sentences. These topic sentences should be assertions. The paragraphs should contain ample evidence, analysis, and links to the thesis. Lack of development in paragraphs may result in no credit for the essays.
A title page, an abstract page, and a reference page
Introduction, body of paper, and conclusion as well
1” margins, double spacing, a 12 point Times Roman font and between eight and ten pages in length (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages)
Conform to APA formatting guidelines (6th Edition).