Explain the need for cultural competency and its impact on this ethnic group’s health.

Instructions: Read chapters 1-4 from Food and Culture (on reserve in the library under Vaccaro: Food and Culture – Kittler, Sucher & Nelms 6th edition or 7th edition – Sucher, Kittler, & Nelms).

Use this text and required references to discuss the Introduction, parts A, B, and C.

Each part should be several paragraphs to provide sufficient detail. Please use your own words and cite the text when providing definitions. For the introduction, you may use any scientific text or articles, as well as Food and Culture.

Parts A, B, and C require recent (less than 5 years, ago) peer-reviewed original research articles (not meta-analysis or review articles). You should have a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed articles and a minimum total of 8 references (including Food and Culture as one reference).

The body of the report should be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1200 words (excluding reference list). Use proper citations in the body of the report and a reference list with a consistent style (AMA, APA, Vancouver…etc.).
Please separate your answers substituting your particular ethnic group and religious group into the sub-titles. IMPORTANT – use subtitles I provided.
How does food symbolize cultural identity? Provide examples using Food and Culture and at least one other reference. (2 points)
Part A: Ethnicity* food habits and nutrition
Choose an ethnic-group and discuss their nutrition and food habits. Explain the need for cultural competency and its impact on this ethnic group’s health. Describe their traditional health beliefs and practices. In particular, how does their biomedical view influence their food choices for times of health and times of sickness?
(3 points)
Part B: Religion, dietary habits, and health
Choose a particular religious group (different from part A) and discuss how their religion influences their food choices and food habits. Describe the health benefits and health concerns the practices may cause.
(2 points)
Part C: Intercultural communication
Discuss EITHER part A, ethnic group OR part B religious group in terms of how you would practice effective intercultural communication. What type of intercultural nutrition education would work for this group and why? Fully explain answering the following questions (chap. 3 in Kittler/Sucher – Food and Culture).

How would you develop your goals?
How would you develop your message?
What elements would you use for the message (story-telling, pictures, cartoons)/
Would you use triangulation or a pilot test and why?
What influence channels would you use – newspaper, video, computer, television, radio, direct mail, telephone – and why?