Mandatory subsections to be included in the main body are:
Abstract; a condensed and succint summary of the overall report approx 100 words
Introduction; a critique of chosen clinical issue (i thought waste management?), set the scene for the reader, should be supported with appropriate literature which can include white papers or policies, NHS forecasts and statistics where relevant, approx 300 words
change proposal; this answers the ‘so what’ question from the intro, what am i proposing can be done and the issue, describe what it entails consider political initiatives and clinical governance issues that may support the proposal approx 300 words
Resources; consider time factors, staff and financial resources, are there any specific sustainability issues? how feasible is the proposal? this can include links to the GANTT chart in the appendices to demonstrate structure, they are looking for awareness of the practical application of the proposal, consider organization and logistical factors, support with underpinning literature approx 300 words.
Leadership theory; critical discussion on what leadership theories may support the change process and why. Highlight some advantages and disadvantages where relevant supported by literature. what are the strengths and limitations? this cannot be a glossary on all leadership theories there must be context to the discussion which relates to the proposal, consider the role of leadership and management in relationship to team building approaches. what issues may arise and how these may be managed or mitigated against. why is that important? link to the proposal. consider management of self, reflective practice and the continuum and transition from student to staff nurse and beyond, support with appropriate up to date literature approx 800 words
change management; What is it? What are the change management issues that will need to be addressed? for example how might staff resistance be overcome? Include a critique of relevant models where appropriate, Are there drivers for change? consider political initiatives and clinical governance. what are the restraining factors? Use the SWOT analysis to guide discussions and support with underpinning literature approx 550 words
Conclusion; summary of change. In brief what have we learned to be essential considerations as the change proposal is explored approx 75 words
Recommendations; bullet point list of key points on how the proposal should be managed going forward, this might include things such as team meetings, audit, reassessment etc approx 75 words
References need to be 50 up to date (last 10 years or nothing further printed) Plymouth university Harvard style. not counted in word count
Appendices; 1 SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the proposed change 2 GANTT chart, timeline of events.
2500 word essay