Compare and contrast a range of trade theory or trade policy issues with regard to their usefulness.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
• Apply appropriate models and tools of economic analysis to examine policy issues of relevance to
open interdependent economies.
• Compare and contrast a range of trade theory or trade policy issues with regard to their usefulness
for understanding patterns of world trade or income distribution
Criteria for Assessment
A strong essay will have a balance of theory (using appropriate equations
and diagrams) and empirical evidence (including charts summarizing key
data and/or econometric analysis).
All theory and empirical evidence should be clearly and concisely explained. Need to demonstrate understanding of economic concepts

• Essay structure (effective introduction and conclusion, use of paragraphs, logical organization).
• Use of economic theory and empirical evidence (clear and accurate analysis, appropriate use of data, accurate interpretation of empirical evidence, good explanation of diagrams and underlying theories, demonstrates clear understanding of key issues).
• Critical evaluation (thoughtful evaluation of arguments and evidence, explains key assumptions and limitations, demonstrates wider knowledge and understanding of relevant literature).
• Presentation and referencing (clear and professional presentation, correct spelling and grammar, follows CU Harvard referencing guide).