Differences between management and leadership and compares the roles of the manager and the leader.

Write a white paper that addresses the differences between management and leadership and compares the roles of the manager and the leader in relation to the concepts of leading. Integrate some of your own experience into your white paper.
Management and leadership are not the same thing, but they are necessarily linked and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves. However, much thought has gone into delineating the differences. Your style of leadership is influenced by your understanding of the distinction between the two and that understanding is linked to an ability to lead your teams so that organizational and departmental goals can be met.
1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Evaluate the purpose and relevance of management roles
a. Analyze differences between management and leadership.
b. Analyze leadership characteristics or attributes that contributed to the effectiveness of a manager.
c. Analyze management characteristics or attributes that contributed to the effectiveness of a manager.
5. Evaluate how leading influences the role of a manager
a. Compare management and leadership roles in relation to concepts of leading.
6. Conclusion
7. References