What structure in the earthworm has a similar function as the human heart

The Virtual labs (below) are online laboratory simulations and videos that enable you to perform experiments in anatomy and biological dissections from the relative comfort of your computer.
Lab 1: Anatomy and Dissection

A. Complete the following online dissections:
Earth worm
What structure in the earthworm has a similar function as the human heart? Explain your answer.
What do two earthworms exchange during mating? Explain your answer
Do earthworms have a front and back end? Explain your answer.
What characteristics distinguish an annelid from other worms?

Fetal Pig
Use the Anatomical References guide. To what region of the body does dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior refer to?
Investigate the Nervous system. Name four large regions (lobes) of the brain and indicate roughly where they are located in the brain and their associated functions.
The Human Brain
Alternative lab for Comparative Anatomy
Alternative lab for Comparative Anatomy – Alternative Formats
– PDF Document (960.0 KB)
Lab 2: Human Impacts

A. Read about the global water crisis and learn about water management and calculating water footprint:
1. Science for the People (list)
2. Water footprint.org:
Describe the water crisis. How is it impacting women and children?
Describe what the water footprint is and how it is estimated.
Calculate an estimate of your water footprint.
Describe three ways that you could reduce your water footprint.
B. Carbon footprint:
1. Science for the People (list)
2. Terra pass
3. C Footprint Ltd
Describe what the carbon footprint is and how it is estimated.
Calculate an estimate of your carbon footprint.
Describe two ways that you could reduce your carbon footprint. Check some tips here.
Describe two approaches to lowering our carbon footprint as a nation that you would advocate we adapt society wide.
The Water cycle
Water crisis.
International comparison Carbon Footprints
Ecological Footprint estimator 1
Ecological Footprint estimator 2