How is Terrorism Negatively Affecting Recreational Tourism.

How is Terrorism Negatively Affecting Recreational Tourism?Students will undertake a literature search on a chosen topic. For that purpose, they will generate key words and elaborate a strategy for their literature search. Using this strategy, they should first identify a minimum of 12 academic sources (academic articles or books) related to the topic. Once selected, these sources should be critically reviewed and compared in the form of a literature review respecting the academic rules of writing.

TOPIC: How is Terrorism Negatively Affecting Recreational Tourism

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction (Introduce the topic of your literature review and explain how it relates to hospitality and/or tourism. Briefly present the different themes of literature examined in the following sections (signposting).

2. Terrorism (Introduce your first broad theme briefly here.
Imagine your reader knows nothing about your topic but wants to be brought up to speed about the current state of academic knowledge on it using valid, academic sources. Do that in the following sub-sections and sub-sub sections if necessary.
You cannot have just one sub-section.
Use a short signposting sentence here to introduce the sub-sections.)

2.1 Religious Terrorism (Discuss your first sub-section in details. Critically review, compare and contrast the literature that is related to the theme. Make sure you cite ALL your sentences which contain material which comes from a source; don’t leave the citation until the end of the paragraph.Use a short signposting sentence here to introduce the sub-sub-sections if you have any.
Finish this paragraph with a ‘so-what’ sentence summarising your thoughts (so not necessarily referenced) on what you think the literature has to say on this topic.)

2.2 State Sponsored Terrorism (same instructions as 2.1)

2.3 Dissent Terrorism (same instructions as 2.1)

3. Recreational Tourism (same instructions as 2)

3.1 Recreational Tourism Impact on the Economy (same instructions as 2.1)

3.2 Recreational Tourism Impact on the Environment (same instructions as 2.1)

3.3 Sociocultural effect from recreational tourism (same instructions as 2.1)

4. The negative Impact of terrorism on recreational tourism (Show what literature you have found which demonstrates a causal link between your two themes or a third theme if required. Add sub-section headings, numbered 4.1, 4.2 using style ‘heading 2’ and sub-sub-sections using heading 3, as needed.)

5. Conclusion (Briefly summarise the main outcomes of your critical analysis. The reader should only have to read this to know what your literature review has been about.)

6. References (A list of the references you have cited and used throughout should be provided here in APA format. Only first-hand sources available to you in full text should be included in the list.)