Identify a current example of War Normalizing Discourse in any national context.

Identify a current example of War Normalizing Discourse in any national context (not necessarily Israeli). Use a broad definition of military discourse, which can include: speeches, newspaper articles, social media posts, songs, poems, fiction, museum exhibits, monuments, comics, children’s literature, video games, Halloween costumes, etc. If you are unsure about the chosen text, feel free to send it to me beforehand for my feedback.

1. Present the text in whole (or describe it if a presentation is not possible).

2. Identify and examine the text according to at least two of the four War Normalizing Functions discussed in the course: euphemization, naturalization, legitimization, and symbolic annihilation.

3. What (if any) discursive elements are used to advance these functions? Such functions may include: naming, framing, analogies, metaphors, or other discursive elements. Analysis requires microanalysis of specific sections of the text.

4. In your opinion, how does this War Normalizing Discourse impact social consciousness regarding war?

The paper should be between 1,700-2,000 words (excluding the sample text). Sections 2 and 3 require microanalysis of specific sections of the text. The paper should reference at least two items from the mandatory or optional reading list. Please use APA referencing when quoting, paraphrasing, or referring to external texts.

The paper is worth 40% of the final grade.