Activity 2 – Unit 2 Discussion Questions 15 points
Instructions: This activity includes 3 discussion questions worth up to 5 points each. Students are expected to answer all 3 questions to the best of their ability. Answers should be in discussion format using 7 – 10 complete sentences. Students may use any course material to help develop answers but should NOT work together. Students suspected of working together will receive a 0/F on the activity. Students are encouraged to pre-write answers before typing final answers in the discussion blocks in the activity module. Moodle will not allow students to copy and paste answers – you will have to type your answers in the discussion block provided.
Students will have 1 hour to type answers in the discussion blocks within the activity module. This activity is due: October 31, midnight.
1. Briefly define and discuss the concept medicalization. Include a discussion of the consequences of medicalization. Give an example of a behavior or condition that has been medicalized explaining why or how it was medicalized.
2. Briefly define each of the forms of stress response and explain the primary factor that distinguishes the first two stress responses from the dangerous stress response.
3. Applying the Health Belief Model, why do some people change their behaviors (as they relate to proximate risk factors) while others do not. Provide an example.
Extra Credit Question
Instructions: Answering this question is optional. Students can earn up to 3 points extra credit to be added to this activity’s total possible points.
1. Define and explain the Autonomic Nervous System, Include in the discussion, explanations for the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems