How do nepotism and professionalism influence the practices of this family business?

Case write-ups will be graded as follows:
20% Did you summarize the case and the important points
80% for the following:
• Did you elaborate on the important points?
• Did you go into depth to answer the questions provided?
• Did you answer all of the questions provided?
• Did you link course concepts from the text?
• Did you go above and beyond to do extra research about the
case issues or family?

• HBS CASE: Khalil Abdo
• How do nepotism and professionalism influence the practices of this family
• Who looks out for the interests of the business, the family and the
shareholders in this family business system?
• Trace the sequence of incidents that led to the family, business, and
ownership issues described in the Khalil Abdo case.
• If you were Sharif Abdo, how would you address each of these issues? What
would you do at the end of the case?
• What are the lessons on nepotism that you draw from this case?