How is China activating its diaspora to achieve its foreign and domestic policy objectives?

1. An analysis of global demographic trends today, 2030, 2050, 2100 using at least two sources for each statistic. Break analysis down by size, age and male/female imbalances if any.
2. Analysis of China’s demographic statistics per the above
a. include analysis of China’s workforce – trends
b. what China is doing to counter falling workforce
3. Summary of China’s two child policy
4. Summary of current status of China’s Hukou status and changes enacted in last ten years
a. Trends toward urbanization – what statistics today, 2030, 2050, 2100

5. Analysis of Chinese citizens living abroad
a. Breakdown by country
b. Trends of Chinese living abroad 2030,2050,2100
c. How is China activating its diaspora to achieve its foreign and domestic policy objectives
i. How will Belt and Road initiative increase diaspora