How does the physical construction of space in this building engender the social construction of space?

Character: Frank Lloyd Wright
Do research on Frank Lloyd Right to get a sense of his character, how he thinks, what kind of architecture work he likes, etc.
Pretend you are Frank Lloyd Wright and write a letter to anyone as if its Frank Lloyd Wright. It can be a letter to his friend, wife, family member, etc. Be creative.

One page single spaced letter in response to:
Imagine your character comes to Berlin in the first decade of the twentieth century and visits the AEG Turbine Factory. How does the physical construction of space in this building engender the social construction of space? Is a single-use industrial district familiar to you? Why or why not? What do you think of the consumer culture that is on view in Berlin? How do Berliners make, experience, and use it? What’s your response to the store windows and sidewalks that are central to its success? And the attendant gendering of public space?