Discuss one way in which it would be beneficial to the United States criminal justice system to adopt an aspect of criminal justice system.

Assignment instructions:

In this paper, you will be expected to discuss the historical basis for your chosen country’s system of criminal justice, how the system currently functions (with examples of how the current system works) and whether there are any current reforms being discussed for the country’s criminal justice system. Once you have explained your chosen country’s criminal justice system, you will discuss 1 way in which it would be beneficial to the United States criminal justice system to adopt an aspect of your chosen country’s criminal justice system as well as 1 way in which the United States’ system is superior to that of your chosen country. This paper will require you to demonstrate knowledge of the United States’ criminal justice system and think critically about what it does well as well as how it could be improved. You should thus explain an aspect of the U.S. system that needs reform, and how your country’s system would improve ours, as well as an aspect of the U.S. system that is already better than that of your chosen country.
Determining an aspect of the U.S. system that is better and one that is worse is subjective, thus you are free to argue any points of which system is better, and why you think that system is better. This paper should be written persuasively in order to convince me that your chosen country does something better or worse than the United States, and how. However, you must supply sources to justify your opinions.
This paper should be a minimum of 8 full, double spaced pages, typed in 12 point font with 1” margins. You must include at least 4 academic sources (books, journal articles) and at least 2 non-academic sources (newspaper stories, media accounts, etc.). You also must include an APA formatted list of your references; your reference page does not count toward the page minimum. You should use the following website for help with APA formatting of references (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/).