Discuss the Different Technologies with their Advantages and Limitations and Financial Costs.

Project Important Points:

Minimum 22 pages, excluding cover page and bibliography. Report must be in Times Roman, spacing 1.15pt. Bibliography must be in the same format with the paper found in the Content: Unit 3- Risk Analysis-Reference.

Please note that in any submission publishers would use plagiarism software that can detect if parts of a paper have been taken from other authors’ work. It is good to be used to this idea and hence not copy from other sources, but use your own language to write the report.

Please use APA Style: you are fully accountable and responsible and therefore will be penalized for any plagiarism.

Important parts a Research Report must cover:
A literature review with a Minimum of 23 Scientific Articles or Reports that must be part of the report. Internet sources are in addition to the previous.

The report must include:
1) Introduction & Definition: What is Water-Energy-Food Nexus? Explain the background information;
2) Discuss the Regulations and Policies of the USA or the European Union and focus specifically on the UAE;
3) Discuss the Different Technologies with their Advantages and Limitations and Financial Costs;
4) Present Best Practices from International and Local Case Studies;
5) Provide YOUR Suggestions and Recommendations regarding the practice in the UAE.
6) Summary and Conclusion.
7) References.

Structure of the Report:
It is customary for a report or paper to have:
1. Introduction: here the topic is introduced, why it is important, etc.
2. Literature Review: Here technologies, costs, international best practices are included.
3. The Body of the Paper: This is the original work of the author: in your case you analyze your specific situation related to the UAE and you connect to the international practice for improvements, etc.
4. Summary and Conclusions: You summarize the important points of all your work and provide suggestions.