Describe the key issues in advertising/IMC programs today, with future implications.

Marketing is dynamic. As consumers change over time, so must the marketing efforts to reach them. Consumers increasingly expect advertising and marketing communication efforts to be personalized and tailored to speak to them individually. This shift over the past decade is due in large part to enhanced technological changes allowing marketers to analyze consumer data reflecting habits, trends, and behaviors, and to then tailor their messages to specifically meet those characteristics. Therefore, it is important for a marketer to always be looking forward and thinking ahead as to changes in the market.
Prepare a scholarly paper describing your thoughts on the future of advertising and IMC programs with a focus on the impact of technology, social networking, and the Internet. Your paper must include the following:

Describe the key issues in advertising/IMC programs today, with future implications.
Assess the future of advertising/IMC programs.
Evaluate the impact of technological changes and the Internet on advertising/IMC programs.
Summarize how to best measure the effectiveness of IMC programs.
Analyze a successful IMC program: Select an IMC program from an organization with which you are familiar. This can be your own company or one you will research.
Support your paper with a minimum of seven scholarly resources, at least three of which must be from the resources included in the course. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Several sources included. You may also use

Grading Rubric
Content (15 points) Points
1 Described the key issues in IMC programs today with future implications. 3
2 Assessed the future of advertising/IMC programs. 3
3 Evaluated the impact of technological changes and the Internet on advertising/IMC programs. 3
4 Summarized how to best measure the effectiveness of IMC programs. 3
5 Identified and analyzed a successful IMC program. 3
Organization (5 points)
1 Paper is 12-15 pages, with correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and organization. Included minimum of 7 scholarly references, with appropriate APA formatting applied to citations and paraphrasing. 5
Total 20