Discuss and evaluate the approach to HRM decision making in an organisation.

Core text book, Human Resource Management in Context, by Farnham, (2015)

Assignment One Brief

Topic: Discuss and evaluate the approach to HRM decision making in an organisation of your choice. (Word count: 550)
Some points that you may want to think about when you are completing this assignment:

• Consider how the HR function is structured in your chosen organisation. If your chosen organisation does not have a HR function, consider who makes the HR decisions, and how and by whom are HR activities delivered.

• What current external factors impact on your chosen organisation?

• How do such external factors influence HR strategy?
This is an individual assignment, which should be set out in a shortened report format, as described below. As with a full report, all published sources used should be acknowledged and correctly referenced, using the Harvard referencing system. Any diagrams relevant to the report content can be included in this assignment.

• Title Section – this must include the name of the author and the date of the report.

• Introduction – this section introduces and explains the topic and demonstrates to the reader why the report is being made.

• Main body – this is the main section where you will discuss your material. The facts and evidence you have gathered must be in relation to the assessment criteria (above) and should demonstrate analysis and discussion. Your analysis and discussion should be arranged in an order that is logical and easy to follow. Where necessary use sub-headings to create a clear structure for your discussion and analysis.

• Conclusion – this section should bring the introduction and main body to its conclusion, and should identify the main findings of the report.

• References – all published sources cited in the report must be referenced in alphabetical order, in line with Harvard referencing. These should be in alphabetical order. References are not included in the word count.

• Appendices – this is where you should include all supporting information that you have used to support your analysis and discussion. The could include tables, graphs, questionnaires, surveys or transcripts. Please remember that if you do include appendices, to make reference to them in your report. Appendices are not included in the word count.