Discuss how Austen addresses women’s roles in her society.

No 1st or 2nd person pronouns.

Your essay should be 5 pages (not including your works cited page).

You will need to use the text as well as at least one outside resource.

You do not have to include a works cited entry for the text, but you will need a works cited page for your outside source.

Your essay should be in MLA format.
You need to follow internal citation rules for MLA format:

You will be graded on the following:
• Paper set-up-MLA format
• You have a clear thesis statement.
• Your paragraphs have clear topic sentences.
• Your essay is organized and logical.
• You do more than summarize the story.
• Your conclusion is solid.
• You have at least 1 outside source and a works cited page.

Thematic Questions:
• Discuss how Austen addresses women’s roles in her society, and decide whether she does something for women, or sentences them to the same fate as every male writer who has come before her.