What can school boards, counselors, teachers, and parents do to increase the accuracy and usefulness of group?

Question and answer form with small 4 sentence answers.

1. Where do your beliefs fall in the continuum of what constitutes intelligence? Are you located more towards the notion that there is one general factor (e.g., Spearman’s g) of ability or do you lean toward the idea that there are multiple factors involved in intelligence (e.g-, Guilford’s structure-of-intelligence theory)? What evidence from your own life and experiences with people you know supports your ideas?

2. Do you think that current intelligence assessment methods? adequately take context into consideration? Explain.

3. What can school boards, counselors, teachers, and parents do to increase the accuracy and usefulness of group?

4. What are some other factors, in addition to intelligence, that may impact school performance?

5. What sorts of environmental factors do you think hinder intellectual development? Think about aspects of the family, the educational experience, etc.

6.A new second grade teacher is struggling with a child in their class. She states that the child walks around the room constantly, can’t seem to stay focused, and interrupts her when she is trying to give directions. As a school counselor, select an observation that you would complete. What information would that observation method give you as you prepared to work with the child? Would that method alone (with the teacher report) be enough? What other sources of information would you chose to include or seek out if the original method wasn’t enough