Discuss at least three factors that could have contributed to Jason’s erectile difficulties.

Human Sexual Behavior (PSY 205)

Instructions: Answer the following questions in essay form. Note that the purpose of this exercise is for you to integrate the information covered in the course with your knowledge of the wider world. It offers an opportunity for you to reflect upon a variety of issues and, in some cases, express your opinion. While you may choose to mention relevant information from your life and experiences, you need not feel obligated to disclose personal information. Your grade will not be based upon whether or not you choose to disclose personal experiences.

• Number your answers. For those items that have multiple parts: Start a new paragraph with the full item identity (e.g., 1A, 1B …). Do not lump answers to more than one item into one giant paragraph (e.g., all your answers for #1 simply labeled “1.”)!
• There is no minimum or maximum word length for the paper as a whole. However, you should write at least 4 sentences for each item. Writing 1-3 sentences in response to a question/item is not sufficient. As you can see in the rubric below, you will earn fewer points if you do not meet these minimums.
• Use proper spelling, grammar, and formatting.
• Submit your paper as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file via the link in Canvas. (See instructions in Canvas or the syllabus for location.)

Length of Answers Consistently exceeds sentence minimums for most items Meets sentence minimums for all items Meets sentence minimums for most items Average of at least 3.0 sentences per item Average of at least 2.0 sentences per item Substantial failure to answer all items
56-60 55 45-54 35-44 25-34 0-24
Quality of Answers Consistently demonstrates critical thinking and application of real-life experience; no glaring factual errors Demonstrates critical thinking and application of real-life experience in most answers; no more than one factual error Most answers are basic, obvious, and demonstrate little critical thinking/application of real-life experience; some factual errors All answers are basic, obvious, and demonstrate little critical thinking/application of real-life experience; significant factual errors
25-30 20-24 15-19 0-14
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization Virtually free of errors Few, minor errors that don’t significantly interfere with communication of ideas Significant errors that detract from readability; looks unprofessional Consistent disregard for/failure to use standard written English
9-10 6-8 3-5 0-2
Late Submission Penalty Within 24 hours of due date 2-7 days 8-14 days
-4 -5 to -10 -11 to -20
Plagiarism Consequences One answer involves plagiarism of full sentence or more More than one answer involves plagiarism
Item counted as not submitted AND -30 penalty 0 for paper

Access the links by either clicking on the hyperlink or pasting the website address in your browser.

• Go to http://www.martyklein.com/q-a/. Skim through enough of the questions (after clicking on a topic link) to get a sense of the variety of questions sent to the site. (Some questions are lengthy, so you may have to click the beginning of some of them in order to read the whole thing.) Then answer the following questions:
• What is your reaction (e.g., surprised, curious, disgusted) to the question you read? Explain.
• Why do you think the persons writing the questions used this method (i.e., writing to a website) to obtain sexual health information? Explain.
• How do you think most nurses and doctors would respond to being asked questions like this? Do you think that response would affect their relationship with the patient? Explain.

2. Read the scenario and then answer the questions below.

Jason and Morgan first connect using a dating app. They meet at a bar a few blocks from Morgan’s apartment on Saturday night. Both have invested a good deal of time and effort into their grooming and clothing selection. After several drinks, Morgan suggests that they “take the party back to my place.” Jason agrees.

At the apartment, they hurriedly take off their clothes and engage in oral sex. Morgan experiences an orgasm. When Jason attempts intercourse, he loses his erection. He and Morgan kiss for a while, but soon fall asleep.

A few hours later, Jason gets up, quickly puts on his clothes and leaves, without waking Morgan.

Around noon, Morgan texts him: Y U go? Jason doesn’t respond, though he does tweet (i.e., use the Twitter social media app):
Was up all night!

Morgan retweets (forwards) Jason’s post, so that it’s seen by dozens of Twitter followers and hundreds of Facebook friends. Afterward, Morgan sends a “selfie” (picture of self) to Jason. Morgan is posed seductively, holding an eggplant. The accompanying text reads: “Eggplant: It’s what’s for dinner.”

• Relying on only the facts provided above, describe Jason and Morgan’s sexual encounter in terms of one of the following human sexual response models. Be sure to identify all stages of the model as you discuss what Jason and Morgan did/didn’t experience.
• Masters & Johnson’s EPOR Model
• Kaplan’s 3-Stage Model
• Reed’s Erotic Stimulus Pathway Theory
B. Discuss at least three factors that could have contributed to Jason’s erectile difficulties.
C. Describe Jason’s and Morgan’s use of technology as it relates to sexual expression – and contrast it with how they might have expressed themselves in a time when social media, cell phones, and the internet did not exist.
D. Imagine that Jason involved in this scenario was married (to someone other than Morgan). How might this sexual encounter be viewed by local voters? Would it matter whether Morgan was male or female? Explain.

3. For each of the following 3 videos, explain why you think it is/is not likely to be effective in communicating its safer-sex message.
• He Told Me He Loved Me – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggKxhubxLhY HYPERLINK “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggKxhubxLhY&feature=related”& HYPERLINK “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggKxhubxLhY&feature=related”feature=related
• Lesbians-STIs – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX9uMb_z8j4 HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX9uMb_z8j4&feature=related”& HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX9uMb_z8j4&feature=related”feature=related
• Men-HPV – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLNp0g-iH2E HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLNp0g-iH2E&NR=1″& HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLNp0g-iH2E&NR=1″NR=1

• Watch Sex & the Seniors, then respond to the following questions. You can access the video by clicking on the link in Module 1, on the page following the JA Instructions.
• Were you surprised by any of the issues brought up in the video? Why/why not?
• Compare this video to the much shorter Safer Sex for Seniors at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pfa07ijUCE. Do you think one approach is better than the other when attempting to educate people aged 60+? Explain.

• This item requires you to visit several sites in a specific order. Please do not answer the questions out of order or go on to the next website before answering earlier questions. Be sure to note the date order of the news clips/articles. (They are presented in chronological order.)
• Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghrWz7cVXv8 HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghrWz7cVXv8&list=RDghrWz7cVXv8″& HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghrWz7cVXv8&list=RDghrWz7cVXv8″list=RDghrWz7cVXv8#t=31 . You need only watch the first ad (~ 1 minute).
A. Have you ever seen these commercials or ones like them? What is your reaction to the product being advertised and the claims being made about that product?
B. Describe whom you think these ads are targeting and why.
• Now watch the following clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMF4S4W4sdQ HYPERLINK “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMF4S4W4sdQ&feature=fvw”& HYPERLINK “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMF4S4W4sdQ&feature=fvw”feature=fvw
• Read the first section of the article at http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2013/08/enzyte_steven_warshak_the_surprising_case_that_helped_improve_email_privacy.html (The last paragraph in that section begins “The case had been made partly on the back of Warshak’s private email…”)
• Finally, check this out: https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/cincinnati/pre HYPERLINK “https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/cincinnati/press-releases/2012/justice-department-to-return-24-million-to-victims-of-berkeley-nutraceutical-fraud”ss-releases/2012/justice-department-to-return-24-million-to-victims-of-berkeley-nutraceutical-fraud
C. Were you aware of the legal issues mentioned? What is your reaction to this information?
• Now go to this website and skim the information: http://www.en HYPERLINK “http://www.enzyte.com/”zyte.com/
D. Are you surprised to learn that Enzyte is still available? Do you think it should be? Explain.
• Go to this blog and skim the comments/reviews for Enzyte and Zialipro: http://www.mensblogtalk.com/Enzyte.html#TOPUCOMMENT
E. Describe your impressions re:
• Who probably made the posts and what their motivations might be
• Who probably owns/runs the website
• How credible you think the posts are – and why
F. If a friend mentioned to you that he was thinking about trying Enzyte, what advice would you give? Explain.

6. Read http://www.healthysex.com/page/sexual-healing-from-sexual-abuse/
• Then go to http://www.psychforums.com/sexual-abuse-incest/topic46341.html and read the post at the top of the page titled “Adult Sexual Problems after Childhood Abuse.” (You are not required to read the responses below the original post.)
• Now imagine that you were a friend or relative of the person who made the post above and that they confided in you about the information contained in the post.
• Describe how you think you would react to this person’s disclosure.
• What advice/suggestions would you offer? Why? Would there be anything that you would purposefully avoid saying to this person? If so, why?

• This item requires you to visit several sites in a specific order. Please do not answer the questions out of order or go on to the next website before answering earlier questions.
• Go to http://www.ventnews.org/#!hmv-the-basics/c15mi and click on the in-page link that takes you to the sections, “What is Ventilation?” and “What is Mechanical Ventilation (MV), Also Known as Assisted Ventilation?” further down the page. (You can read the other pages, but aren’t required to).

• How do you think using a ventilator might affect an individual’s sexuality? Explain.
• Go to http://www.ventusers.org/edu/valnews/VAL_20-4p4-9.pdf and read about the sexuality survey.
• Describe your reaction to the information presented. Was there anything that surprised you? Why/why not?
• Go to http://www.deshae.org/about_me/about_me.htm to read the bio of the survey’s author. Then read http://www.deshae.org/about_me/faqcare.htm.
• Describe your reaction to the information presented. Describe at least two sexual issues/concerns/challenges that Deshae might face because of her health concerns, disability, and/or lifestyle.
• Go to https://www.flickr.com/photos/96592531@N05/sets/72157634873710935/show and click on “Show Info” on the upper right side of the page.
• Watch the first part of the slide show for a minute. While doing so, consider Deshae’s body language, clothing, comments, etc. Then skip ahead to look at some pictures in the middle and at the end of the slide show. (There are a LOT of pictures. You don’t have to look at them all [unless you want to.] Just make sure that you see several pictures before and after Deshae got her vent.)
• Describe your reaction to the photos. Based on the information available to you, how do you think Deshae feels about her body? Do you think she sometimes feels sexy? How do you think others are likely to see her body and her sexuality? Explain.

• Read Overcoming Love Addiction: One Apple Martini at a Time. Then respond to the following:
• What is your reaction to the author’s use of the term “love-addict”? Explain.
• What advice would you have had for the author during the period before he met his wife? Explain.

• Would you recommend that a human sexuality course be a required course for some/all college students? Why/why not?
• If yes, would you offer the option to test out of the course? Why/why not?
• If no, would you offer the option of taking a test to earn college credit? Why/why not?

• In 1-2 paragraphs, discuss:
• A topic that you have found of special interest so far in the course OR one a topic listed in the syllabus that you are looking forward to
• Discuss what you find interesting about that topic (You needn’t disclose sensitive information about yourself!)