What common resources and capabilities link the separate Virgin companies?

Business School
COURSEWORK Session 2019/2020

Module title Influencing Organisational Strategy
Module Code
Submission date and time
Weighting of assessment 90% of total mark.

Instructions to Candidates

Attached are case study materials concerning Virgin. Use the case study materials and your own research to answer the attached questions. Attempt all six questions (please note the marks awarded for each question).

Response must be word-processed, your work should be proof read. Please reference any sources or models used. Diagrams and tables can be used in the main parts of your answers or put in as appendices. Answer each individual question using the questions as sub-headings rather than attempting to write one answer that covers the questions.
Evidence of further reading will be marked accordingly.

A minimum of 3,000 words is expected and a reference section.

This coursework assesses the following learning outcomes

L1. Develop a critical knowledge of strategy and strategic management.
L2. Critically evaluate the influences on organisational strategy development.
L3. Develop organisational strategies that take cognisance of external and internal influences and acknowledge the complexities and ambiguities surrounding such decisions.

Submission instructions

Your attention is drawn to the University’s policy on Plagiarism and Collusion which apply to this assessment. Details are available in your Student Diary.

You should also be aware that late submissions will be penalised in line with University regulations. Please see your Handbook for details.

Module: Influencing Organisational Strategy

1. What common resources and capabilities link the separate Virgin companies?
(50 marks)

2. Which businesses, if any, should Branson consider divesting?

(50 marks)

3. What criteria should Branson apply in deciding what new diversification to pursue?

(50 marks)

4. What changes in the financial structure, organizational structure, and management systems of the Virgin group would you recommend?

(50 marks)
5. How does Virgin add value as a corporate parent, what more could it do?
(50 marks)

6. What would be the challenges faced by a successor to Richard Branson, and what might he or she do ?