Describe the differences between equality of opportunity and equality of results, referring to the Hodgetts article and the How to Save 145,000 Lives Every Year | Patrick M. Krueger | TEDxMileHigh (Links to an external site.)

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5 of Power and Society: An Introduction to the Social Sciences and the Drifting Along or Dropping into Homelessness: A Class Analysis of Responses to Homelessness article, and view the How to Save 145,000 Lives Every Year | Patrick M. Krueger | TEDxMileHigh (Links to an external site.) video and the A-Class Divided documentary.

In essence, our social class background affects how we can interact with others in a variety of settings. Making explicit use of the sociological perspective discussed in Chapter 5, respond to the following:

Describe the differences between equality of opportunity and equality of results, referring to the Hodgetts article and the How to Save 145,000 Lives Every Year | Patrick M. Krueger | TEDxMileHigh (Links to an external site.)
Which do Americans tend to favor and why?
How do people’s class backgrounds shape how they view the classes below them?
Describe how Jane Elliot’s techniques in the A Class Divided documentary relate to the concept of discrimination.
What do you think Elliot’s overall goal was in creating these experiments, and what was the outcome?
Describe which one of the major sociological theories—conflict, functionalist, or symbolic interactionist—helps you most in understanding and explaining the uneven distribution of wealth and power in societies.
Be sure to provide concrete examples from the textbook, the required resources, or your own scholarly research.

Here is the link to one of the video’s