Explain the facial blood vessels of relevance to the use of dermal fillers-Explain the facial nerves of relevance to the use of dermal fillers.

Guidance for Completing your Assignment:

To prepare for the assignment, you should carefully read through the entirety of this assignment document.

This assignment covers the assessment of knowledge and understanding across six of the eight units within the IQ Level 7 Certificate in Injectables for Aesthetic Medicine. The short answer questions (SAQs) detailed within this assignment focus upon the aesthetic medicine industry, specifically referring to the modalities of botulinum toxin and dermal filler administration. These SAQs are grouped/divided according to the units to which they adhere. To answer the SAQs, candidates are expected to draw upon the teaching material that is provided in support of this qualification. Independent research may be required to compound specific elements of knowledge assessed within the present assignment. Should independent research be used in the answering of any of the SAQs, it is expected that the candidate references this material appropriately (please refer to pages 23 and 24 for additional guidance).

The table below outlines the requirements of this assignment, per unit (from qualification specification).

Unit Title Number of Assignment Questions (SAQs) 1 Principles of history, ethics, and law in aesthetic medicine 4 2 Principles of treatment in aesthetic medicine 8 3 Principles of cosmetic psychology in aesthetic medicine 4 4 Principles of dermatology in aesthetic medicine 7 5 Principles of botulinum toxin use in aesthetic medicine 6 7 Principles of dermal filler use in aesthetic medicine 5 Total 34

General Advice

Answer all questions set out within this assignment. It is important to read all of the question text, as additional answer specific advice may be provided. Where specific examples are required as part of the answering of a question, this requirement is made clear within the question text.

If further reading/research is used in the answering of any question, the original source of the supporting material must be made clear within the answer. We recommend the Harvard system of referencing to promote consistency, however referencing in this style is not a requirement of this qualification. Please see pages 23 and 24 for additional referencing guidance.

Answers provided to assignment questions must not contain any plagiarised material. Submissions will be scrutinized for plagiarism using ‘turnitin’ software. If plagiarism is detected, this will result in a fail and penalties may be imposed. Please see page 24 for additional plagiarism guidance.

Answers to questions must evidence knowledge and understanding correlating with the demands set out within the qualification specification, and outlined for clarity above. Your assignment must address the learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and include analysis and evaluation (where required) of the issues and topics you discuss.

Please Note: Pay particular attention to three components within each question that will help to shape the level of detail and analysis required within the answer:

1) The number of subsections within the question: – Each SAQ has been divided into one or more subsections, labelled A-Z.
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– Answers must address all subsections contained within a particular SAQ. Omission of one or more subsections within an answer will result in the failure of the implicated SAQ. – Subsection specific guidance, where required, is written in italics beneath the subsection text – The maximum number of marks available for each subsection is made clear following the subsection text. – It is recommended that SAQ answers are structured and divided in accordance with the number of subsections.

2) The descriptor verb used to set the question; Critically analyse, critically compare, critically contrast, critically evaluate, critically appraise, evaluate, contrast, analyse, explain, assess, describe, identify: – The descriptor verb highlights the level of detail expected within each answer. This expectation correlates with the qualification specification and the mark scheme – There may be more than one descriptor verb used within a question of multiple subsections. – For clarity, the descriptor verb has been underlined and made bold within the SAQ text – Please refer to the definitions section below for additional information with regards to the specific requirements per descriptor verb.

3) The word count; SAQ specific and clearly indicated following the question text: – The word count should be used as a guide to the expected size of each SAQ answer. – The word count is provided as a range to permit a range of candidate response. – Where a word count is provided for a question with multiple subsections, this is the cumulative word count for all subsections combined. – A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before marks are deducted. – Please refer to page 24 for additional word count guidance.
NB. SAQ mapping to qualification specification (Assessment Criteria) is made clear within the assignment task below. Please refer to Appendix A for additional guidance.

Time Limits for SAQs

Whilst there is no formal time limit for SAQ completion, there is a time frame for the validity of the SAQ assignment. For view of the assignment validity parameters, please refer to the published moderation and awarding timetable, downloadable from the IQ website.

Submission Format

Answer all questions on a singular word document. Ensure each page has a header/footer containing your unique candidate number and the page number. Reference the question number prior to providing each answer. In addition to the assignment answers, ensure the provision of two documents:

1) A title page at the start of the document, stating your centre, candidate number, assessment number and date of assignment completion. Make this your first page. 2) A declaration page that states that the work is your own work and you are aware of plagiarism and have not plagiarised anything. The declaration must be signed and dated. Make this your final page.

Templates for the above two documents can be found on pages 29 and 30 of this document.
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Submitting the Assignment

Upon completing the assignment, all candidates will have a word document containing; a title page, the assignment answers and a declaration page. Candidates must upload this document to their own specific landing portal/ portfolio of evidence to formalise the submission of their assignment.

Assignment Grading

The assignment will contribute towards your portfolio of evidence for this qualification. SAQ answers will be graded by the assessor and collectively can provide a maximal weight of 24% of the total available qualification marks.

As detailed in the qualification specification, for each SAQ, you are required to achieve a minimum of 55% of the available SAQ marks, in order to pass. Failure to achieve 55% within a particular SAQ will result in the repetition of all of the SAQs within the implicated unit(s) until a pass can be achieved. Alternative assignment material will be provided in these cases to prevent the predictability of assessment material.

Final Checklist Each Assignment document must contain:

1) A title page, stating your centre, candidate number, assessment number and date of assignment completion 2) A declaration that states that the work is your own work and you are aware of plagiarism and have not plagiarised anything. The declaration must be signed and dated. 3) Your candidate number on each page e.g. In the header/footer 4) Numbering of assignment tasks or questions correlating with that of the assignment brief 5) Numbered pages 6) A word count following each SAQ answer 7) A bibliography (if appropriate)
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Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.
Critically Compare/ Contrast;
Give your verdict as to the similarities and differences between two or more phenomena. State and explain if any of the shared similarities or differences are more important than others. Provide/ draw upon evidence taken from a wide range of sources.
Critically Appraise;
Give your verdict as to the value or quality of a specific issue/ topic and include examples where appropriate. Provide/ draw upon evidence taken from a wide range of sources. Evaluate See Critically Evaluate Formulate To develop a method to address a specific issue/ topic. Analyse Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another. Compare Identify the similarities and differences between two or more phenomena. Say if any of the shared similarities or differences are more important than others. Contrast Similar to compare but focus on the dissimilarities between two or more phenomena, or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. Explain Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant by the use of this term in a particular context. Your writing should have clarity so that complex procedures or sequences of events can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and be substantiated with relevant research. Assess Weigh up to what extent something is true. Persuade the reader of your argument by citing relevant research but also remember to point out any flaws and counter-arguments as well. Conclude by stating clearly how far you are in agreement with the original proposition. Describe Provide a detailed explanation as to how and why something happens. Identify Determine what the key points to be addressed are and the implications thereof. Can often be thought of as a list.

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Assignment Task: Provide answers to the following 34 questions (1a – 7e). Please Note:  Each SAQ can have one or more subsection: Omission of a subsection will lead to the implicated SAQ not being met.  Each SAQ subsection: i. Is associated with a specific leading verb that defines the level of detail required within the answer (describe, explain, analyse etc.). Answers provided for each subsection must adhere to the level of detail specified within the subsection text. Please refer to the definitions section above. ii. Includes guidance as to the expected scope of the answer (guidance is in italics). iii. Requires both basic and more complex answers (ie. for each SAQ subsection, there are both basic and more complex mark conferring components). Omission of either of these can lead to the implicated SAQ not being met.  The word count is a cumulative total for all subsections within the particular SAQ: The word count is provided as a range to permit a range of candidate answer and does not relate to answer quality: A Succinct 100 word answer is just as valid (and likely to lead to full marks) as a larger 800 word answer.  ‘Assessment Criteria’ maps each SAQ to the applicable unit content within the qualification specification. Referral to the indicative content within this specification will assist with guiding the expected scope of each answer.  Where an SAQ answer requests reference to anatomy, restrict answers to that of the face only.

Unit One: SAQ Number Question Text 1a. (Subsection A only) Address the following criteria (A): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsection Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Analyze aesthetic medicine in relation to its ethical context
Within your answer you must refer to the four main medical ethical principles

10 100-800 1.2
1b. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Critically analyze the role of the GMC in aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must refer to the role, role limitations and establishment within aesthetic medicine.

2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
B. Explain the role of the Advertising Standards Agency within aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must explain the role, focus and establishment of the Advertising Standards Agency within aesthetic medicine

C. Describe key legislation relevant to the aesthetic medicine industry

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Within your answer you must describe key legislation, guidance and standards of practice.

D. Critically analyze the use of promotional offers within aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must refer to types, potential impacts upon clients and the legislation/ guidance concerning the topic.

1c. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Analyze aesthetic medicine in relation to its historical context
Within your answer you must refer to early records of practice and historical milestones that may have contributed towards current prevalence.

100-800 1.1, 1.3
B. Analyze aesthetic medicine in relation to its economic background
Within your answer you must refer to sector growth and worth and factors influencing estimates of value.

1d. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the pre-treatment conditions that must be in place for good medical practice within aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must explain clinic, clinician and client consultation based pretreatment factors/ requirements.

100-800 3.3, 3.4
B. Critically analyze the role of product liability within aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must refer to the liability/ insurance implications of malfunctioning products and off licence product use.

Unit Two: SAQ Number Question Text 2a. (Subsections A-D) Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
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A. Explain the implications of a client-centred approach to aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must make reference to client needs.

1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3
B. Explain how common health conditions can have impact upon a treatment
Within your answer you must identify specific conditions and explain their potential impact(s) upon an aesthetic treatment.

C. Critically compare consent and informed consent
Within your answer you must include examples to support the separation of the two constructs.

D. Explain shared decision making in the context of aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must explain both the process behind and the value of practitioner-client shared decision making.

2b. (Subsections A-E)
Address each of the following criteria (A-E): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the topics to include within a pretreatment practitioner-client consultation
Within your answer you must explain those topics preceding and guiding the formation of a treatment decision.

2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
B. Explain the role of record keeping with reference to practitioner-client consultations
Within your answer you must explain the role and value of this approach within an aesthetic treatment.

C. Explain the importance of providing clients with detailed procedural information prior to a treatment decision
Within your answer you must explain the role and value of this approach within an aesthetic treatment.

D. Explain the importance of providing clients with decisional time prior to a treatment decision

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Within your answer you must explain the role and value of this approach within an aesthetic treatment.

E. Evaluate the role of communication upon concordance with outcome expectations
Within your answer you must make reference to the factors that dictate outcome expectations and the related role of practitioner-client communication.

2c. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the potential causes and effects of needle-stick injuries
Within your answer you must explain common causes and the potential effects upon the injured individual.

3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
B. Explain measures to take upon identifying a needle-stick injury
Within your answer you must explain both clinical and administrative actions.

C. Describe the signs/symptoms associated with a vasovagal response
A minimum of three signs/ symptoms require description in order to achieve all of the available marks.

D. Explain means to manage a vasovagal response
Within your answer, you must explain clinical actions only.

2d. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Describe the morphology of facial ageing
Within your answer, you must refer to the bone, muscle and fat progressive changes

100-800 4.1, 4.2
B. Assess the relationship between facial shape and concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between facial shape and concepts of
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youth and attractiveness, describing any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

2e. (Subsections A-F)
Address each of the following criteria (A-F): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Assess the relationship between facial proportions and concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between facial proportions and concepts of youth and attractiveness, describing any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8
B. Assess the role of symmetry in relation to concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between symmetry and concepts of youth and attractiveness, describing any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

C. Assess the role of eyebrow shape in relation to concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between eyebrow shape and concepts of youth and attractiveness, describing any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

D. Assess the relationship between skin folds and concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between skin folds and concepts of youth and attractiveness, describing any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

E. Assess the relationship between wrinkles and concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between wrinkles and concepts of youth and attractiveness, describing any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

F. Assess the role of facial contours in relation to concepts of youth and attractiveness
Within your answer you must outline the relationships between facial contours and concepts of youth and attractiveness, describing
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any variables that impact upon the stated association(s).

2f. (Subsections A-C)
Address each of the following criteria (A-C): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the aftercare measures required to support continuity of care
Within your answer you must explain administrative, clinical and communication based actions.

100-800 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
B. Explain the importance of continuity of care
Within your answer you must explain both the role and the value of continuity of care within aesthetic medicine.
C. Explain the role of the doctor and other professionals in facilitating therapeutic or lifestyle changes
Within your answer you must explain both pre and post-treatment roles.

2g. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the criteria required of a premises for practicing aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must make reference to premises conditions and resourcing.

100-800 3.1, 3.5
B. Explain the use of a routine audit of clinical outcomes to evaluate clinical actions
Within your answer you must explain the types, role and value within aesthetic treatments.

2h. (Subsection A-C)
Address each of the following criteria (A-C): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsection Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the necessity of physically examining a client prior to aesthetic medicine prescription or administration
Within your answer you must explain the role and value of this approach within an aesthetic treatment.

2 100-800 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
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B. Evaluate the use of topical anaesthetics within aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must refer to applicability within injectable treatments and the potential benefits and drawbacks of use.

C. Critically evaluate the use of combination procedures to maximise outcomes
Within your answer you must refer to the potential benefits and drawbacks of combination procedures where the term ‘combination’ refers to multiple treatments.

Unit Three: SAQ Number Question Text 3a. (Subsections A-B) Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the drivers for cosmetic procedures, with reference to psychological theories of attractiveness and appearance
A minimum of four client dependent drivers and two psychological theories require explanation in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 1.1, 1.2 B. Critically evaluate the two way relationship between social changes and aesthetic medicine
Using examples, you must reflect upon the cycle of social change (e.g. changes- norms- expectations- behaviours) with reference to aesthetic procedures, and include an evaluation of the permanence of these changes.
3b. (Subsections A Only)
Address each of the following criteria (A): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Evaluate the evidence supporting the impact of cosmetic procedures upon psychological wellbeing
Within your answer you must refer to evidence both supporting and opposing the impact.

10 100-800 1.3
3c. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
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A. Explain the importance of professional boundary setting within cosmetic psychology
The term ‘professional boundaries’ here refers to the restriction of practice to those areas for which the practitioner is competent.

3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
B. Explain a range of pathways for providing psychological and emotional support
The term ‘pathways’ refers to options/ strategies deployed by the clinician. Within your answer you must refer to both pre and post treatment approaches.

C. Explain psychological strategies to manage post-operative conceptions of unmet expectations
A minimum of two strategies require explanation in order to achieve all of the available marks.

D. Explain psychological strategies to manage post-operative post-decisional regret.
A minimum of two strategies require explanation in order to achieve all of the available marks.

3d. (Subsections A-E)
Address each of the following criteria (A-E): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Identify the key ‘at risk’ groups with reference to aesthetic medicine
A minimum of two ‘at risk’ groups require identification in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
B. Identify the NICE guidelines, referring to mental health, that are relevant to aesthetic medicine
A minimum of two sets of guidelines require identification in order to achieve all of the available marks.

C. Explain clinical evidence that might suggest the presentation of a specific mental health condition
Within your answer you must link clinical indications to condition(s) and explain a minimum of two scenarios in order to achieve all of the available marks.

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D. Evaluate the use of screening tools to identify ‘at risk’ groups, referring to mental health
Within your answer you must refer to the benefits and drawbacks of screening tool use.

E. Explain responses upon identifying a client as ‘at risk’
Within your answer you must refer to clinician responses only. A minimum of two responses require explanation in order to achieve all of the available marks

Unit Four: SAQ Number Question Text 4a. (Subsections A-B) Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Describe the structure of skin
Within your answer you must refer to both the skin and relevant epidermal appendages. A minimum of five components require description in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 1.1, 1.2
B. Explain the function of skin
Within your answer you must refer to both the skin and relevant epidermal appendages. A minimum of five functions require explanation in order to achieve all of the available marks.

4b. (Subsection A only)
Address the following criteria (A): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsection Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain intrinsic skin ageing
Within your answer you must refer to the drivers, processes and impacts of intrinsic skin ageing.

10 100-800 2.1
4c. (Subsection A only)
Address the following criteria (A): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsection Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain extrinsic skin ageing
Within your answer you must refer to the drivers, processes and impacts of extrinsic skin ageing.

10 100-800 2.2
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4d. (Subsection A only)
Address the following criteria (A): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsection Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the use of tools with reference to a skin health assessment
Within your answer you must explain the use of the Fitzpatrick Scale and the Glogau Scale only.

10 100-800 3.3
4e. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Critically appraise the effects of a range of basic skin care products
A minimum of two basic skin care products require critical appraisal in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 3.1, 3.2
B. Critically appraise the effects of a range of cosmeceuticals
A minimum of two cosmeceuticals require critical appraisal in order to achieve all of the available marks.

4f. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Describe the structure of hair
Within your answer you must focus upon the hair follicle unit. A minimum of five components require description in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 1.3, 1.4
B. Explain the function of hair
A minimum of five functions require explanation in order to achieve all of the available marks.

4g. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the features of skin microbiology that are relevant to aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must refer to pathogenic and non-pathogenic gram positive and gram negative skin flora.
5 100-800 1.5, 1.6
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B. Explain the features of the skin microbiome that are relevant to aesthetic medicine
Within your answer you must focus upon biofilms only. Answers must include an explanation of the relevance of biofilms to injectable treatments, client dependent risk factors and the implications of activation.

Unit Five: SAQ Number Question Text 5a. (Subsections A-C) Address each of the following criteria (A-C): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the key components of neuromuscular synaptic transmission
Within your answer, a minimum of four distinct stages must be explained in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 1.1, 1.2, 1.5
B. Explain the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin with reference to neuromuscular synaptic transmission
Within your answer, a minimum of four distinct actions and/or effects must be explained in order to achieve all of the available marks.

C. Explain the pharmacodynamics of botulinum toxin
Within your answer you must explain botulinum toxin effects, duration of action and toxicity.

5b. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the pre-injection preparation of botulinum toxin
Within your answer you must explain the general principles of botulinum toxin storage, dilution and syringe preparation.

100-800 1.3, 1.4
B. Explain the dosage of a range of botulinum toxin products
Within your answer you must refer to specific dilution/ dosage protocols for a minimum of two botulinum toxin Type A products.

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5c. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the risks associated with a range of common botulinum toxin treatment areas
Within your answer you must explain specific, area dependent, non-intended therapeutic outcomes as opposed to the more general adverse effects/ side effects associated with botulinum toxin.

3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
B. Explain the potential adverse effects associated with botulinum toxin administration
Within your answer you must focus upon the relatively common, low severity, adverse effects/ side effects associated with botulinum toxin administration only.

C. Describe the management options available in the event of an adverse effect post botulinum toxin administration
A minimum of one option/ strategy requires description to achieve all of the available marks.

D. Formulate solutions to address a range of suboptimal therapeutic outcomes using knowledge of facial muscle interactions
Within your answer, formulate strategies to manage and improve upon suboptimal outcomes, where ‘suboptimal’ refers to an outcome discrepant with client treatment expectations.

5d. (Subsections A-C)
Address each of the following criteria (A-C): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the blood vessels of relevance to the use of botulinum toxin
Within your answer you must refer to facial blood vessels only. A minimum of four require explanation to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
B. Explain the nerves of relevance to the use of botulinum toxin
Within your answer you must refer to facial nerves only. A minimum of two require explanation to achieve all of the available marks.

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C. Explain the muscles of relevance to the use of botulinum toxin
Within your answer you must refer to facial muscles only. A minimum of four require explanation to achieve all of the available marks

5e. (Subsections A-B)
Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the contraindications for the use of botulinum toxin
Within your answer you must refer to both the absolute and relative contraindications.

100-800 3.1, 3.6
B. Critically analyse the role of client occupation upon adverse effect orientated management options
Within your answer you must refer to the impact of internally and externally facing job roles upon the management of and ability to manage; visible, low severity adverse effects/ side effects that are commonly associated with botulinum toxin administration. Answers must include reference to the associated aftercare implications/ requirements.

5f. (Subsection A only)

Address the following criteria (A): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsection Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Critically compare static and dynamic wrinkling in relation to botulinum toxin use
Within your answer you must explain the difference between the two types of wrinkle and the related type dependent efficacy of botulinum toxin.

10 100-800 2.4
Unit Seven: SAQ Number Question Text 7a. (Subsections A-B) Address each of the following criteria (A-B): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the mechanism of action of stimulatory fillers
A minimum of two actions must be explained in order to achieve all of the available marks

2 100-800 1.1, 1.10
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B. Contrast the use of dermal fillers with and without local anaesthetic
Within your answer you must focus upon nontopical combination doses only; dermal filler precombined with local anaesthetic. You must refer to the biochemical, logistical and client centred factors affected by the inclusion of local anaesthetic.

7b. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the pharmacology of permanent dermal fillers
A minimum of two permanent dermal filler induced biochemical or physiological effect must be explained in order to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.9
B. Explain the pharmacology of semi-permanent dermal fillers
A minimum of two semi-permanent dermal filler induced biochemical or physiological effect must be explained in order to achieve all of the available marks.

C. Explain the pharmacology of temporary dermal fillers
A minimum of three temporary dermal filler induced biochemical or physiological effects must be explained in order to achieve all of the available marks.

D. Critically contrast the pharmacology of replacement and stimulatory dermal fillers
Within your answer you must refer to a minimum of three points of contrast in order to achieve all of the available marks.

7c. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain a range of injection techniques
Within your answer you must explain a minimum of two needle based injection techniques for dermal fillers in order to achieve all of the available marks.

4 100-800
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
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B. Explain the use of needles referring to dermal fillers
Within your answer you must explain this method of delivery (e.g. how needles are used to deliver a dermal filler) and the prevalence of this method.

C. Explain the use of cannulae referring to dermal fillers
Within your answer you must explain this method of delivery (e.g. how cannulae are used to deliver a dermal filler) and the prevalence of this method.

D. Critically compare the advantages and disadvantages of needle use and the cannula technique
Within your answer you must explain a minimum of two advantages of needle use and a minimum of two advantages of the use of cannula as a method of dermal filler delivery.

7d. (Subsections A-D)
Address each of the following criteria (A-D): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the biochemistry of permanent dermal fillers
Within your answer you must provide a minimum of one example of a permanent dermal filler and explain a minimum of one factor relevant to the biochemistry of this dermal filler.

100-800 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.8
B. Explain the biochemistry of semi-permanent dermal fillers
Within your answer you must provide a minimum of one example of a semi-permanent dermal filler and explain a minimum of one factor relevant to the biochemistry of this dermal filler.

C. Explain the biochemistry of temporary dermal fillers
Within your answer you must provide a minimum of one example of a temporary dermal filler and explain a minimum of one factor relevant to the biochemistry of this dermal filler.

D. Critically contrast the biochemistry of replacement and stimulatory dermal fillers
Within your answer you must refer to a minimum of four points of contrast in order to achieve all of the available marks.
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7e. (Subsections A-E)
Address each of the following criteria (A-E): Where possible, provide examples in support of your answer(s). Subsections Available Marks
Word Count (SAQ Total)
Assessment Criteria
A. Explain the facial blood vessels of relevance to the use of dermal fillers
Within your answer you must refer to facial blood vessels only. A minimum of two require explanation to achieve all of the available marks.

100-800 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.2
B. Explain the facial nerves of relevance to the use of dermal fillers
Within your answer you must refer to facial nerves only. A minimum of two require explanation to achieve all of the available marks.

C. Explain the facial fat pads of relevance to the use of dermal fillers
Within your answer you must refer to facial fat pads only. A minimum of two require explanation to achieve all of the available marks.

D. Explain the impact of age related anatomical and physiological changes upon dermal filler administration
Within your answer you must explain a minimum of two age related implications upon the administration of a dermal filler.

E. Explain high risk treatment areas with reference to the use of dermal fillers
Within your answer you must explain a minimum of two high risk facial treatment areas in order to achieve all of the available marks.

Assignment End SAQ Total: 34x SAQs, 95 AC Covered.

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Appendix A:

General Guidance on Assignment Writing

This section is intended as a practical guide to writing your assignment, and addressing some of the questions learners often have and looking at how you need to approach an assignment.

Initial Questions

There are a number of questions you should ask yourself before starting to write:

1. What are the assessment criteria I need to cover? It is worth taking time before writing to understand what the assessment is looking for. If there is anything you do not understand, you need to find out before you start.

2. What are the questions that need to be answered? This might sound an odd question to be asked, but experienced tutors will tell you how distressing it can be when someone has spent a lot of time and effort on an assignment and not really answered the question which has been set!

3. How can I plan the work? Make a list of everything you need to do, and plan when you need to complete each stage by e.g. research, plan of written work, first draft etc. Plan out your written work before you start, as it will save time if you know which order you are going to write things in at the start. Then, stick to your plan.

4. What are the key words in the question? Pay particular attention to the key words in the question e.g. analyse, explain, describe and make sure you are doing what the question asks you to do. If you describe something when the question asks for an analysis, you will not get the marks.

5. What do these key words mean? Make sure you know what the different key words mean. If you are not sure, ask your tutor so you can be sure you are doing the right thing when you are answering the question.

6. How many examples to provide? If the questions asks for “examples” or “differences” (in the plural) you should provide a minimum of two unless otherwise stated; however if it asks for the “main issues” or “key points” you must provide these however many there are.
7. What critical review and reflection needs to take place? You should always critically review your own work and think about how you can improve it. Ideally, you will have time to do this before you hand it in for marking, but you should also review it and reflect on the process after you have received your assignment and mark back. Think about what you could have done better and what you have learned from the process that you can use next time.

Approach to researching and writing assignments

Plan: this is perhaps the most important part of the process. You may find it useful to begin by brainstorming ideas and sources of information essential for successful completion of the assignment with other students. It is always useful to receive feedback on the initial plan from your tutor.

Read: the qualification material and content will support the provision of answers to the assignment questions. If further reading/research is used in support of answers, evidence of source must be provided.*

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Style: your writing style should be clear, accurate and succinct. The style of writing should flow and paragraphs should be linked. The presentation of each component within the assignment should be of a high standard with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Review criteria: you will find it very useful to re-check your assignment against the assessment criteria to ensure that you have included everything that will be assessed.

*References/ citations

Remember to reference any books, journals, websites or other resources you use in support of work provided within this assignment. There are no requirements within this assignment for a particular format/style of referencing. However, the examples below follow the Harvard referencing system, a style that should be familiar to the majority of learners hence use within the present guide.

Referencing examples

Citing in the Body of the Text: When reference is made in the text to a particular document, the author or editor, compiler or translator, individual or organisation with the year of publication inserted in brackets.

This concept is discussed by Jones, B (1998).


1. Short quotations may be run into the text with name and date following the quotation -Singe, P (1990) p5 said that “Learning organisation is possible” 2. Longer quotations should be separated from the rest of the text by means of indentation and optional size reduction -“Learning organisations are possible because, deep down, we are all learners. No one has to teach an infant to learn. In fact no one has to teach infants anything. They are intrinsically inquisitive, masterful learners, who learn to walk, speak, and pretty much run their households all on their own.” Senge P. (1990) p5 3. Note in all cases the page number(s) should appear after the date in the text.

Book References:

1. Author(s) and Editors -Surname first, followed by first name(s) or initials (be consistent) Senge P. 2. Year of publication -If not known use n.d. or if unsure put a question mark by date (1997?). 3. Title -Capitalise the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns. -Use bold, italics or underline but be consistent. 4. Edition -Only include if not first edition. 5. Place of publication and publisher -Use a colon to separate these elements. -If not given use: s.l. (no place) and s.n. (no publisher) 6. Page numbers -Include if referring to a specific quotation.

Example: Senge, P. (1990) The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Organisation: Century Business London

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Journal References:

1. Author 2. Year of publication 3. Title of article 4. Title of journal (use bold, italic or underlined- as for complete books) 5. Volume number 6. Issue number and/or date 7. Page number
Example: Stone, K (2005) Influential People in ‘Manager’ The British Journal of Administrative Management. June/July 2005 p15

Web Page References:

1. Author of the page if known (use the first few words of the page title if not known) 2. As far as possible use the same information as you would provide for a print reference (author, date, title) 3. Web address 4. Date retrieved

Example: Abolish Politicians Website (no date) Retrieved on 30th August 2000 Example: Grassian, E (1999). Thinking Critically about World Wide Web Resources. Retrieved on 18th August 2000 from the World Wide Web: / stop http://www.libray.ucla.edu.libraried/college/insttruct/wev/crital.htm


Candidates commit plagiarism when they copy, very closely imitate, paraphrase or cut and paste someone else’s work, ideas, and/or language and present it as their own.

It is the responsibility of the centre to:

 Explain what plagiarism is and why it is wrong to plagiarise  Explain the concept of intellectual property; the ownership of words, concepts, electronic materials, etc.  Develop centre policies to prevent plagiarism  Explain the consequences of committing plagiarism  Set differentiated, individual assignments for each candidate

Plagiarism is not permitted across any element submitted as part of the candidate portfolio of evidence. This includes SAQ answers. If plagiarism is detected, this will result in a fail and penalties may be imposed. It is the responsibility of the centre to ensure the authenticity of all candidate submitted work as submissions will be scrutinized using ‘turnitin’ software.

Word count

Each assignment or question will have a word count, provided as a range. If candidate answers fall short of/exceed this word count, marks will be deducted proportionate to the discrepancy. A 10% leeway is permitted either side of the started range before marks will be deducted.

For clarity, candidates should always reference their SAQ answer specific word count at the end of their answer text, prior to moving on to the next question within the assignment.

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Mapping to Qualification Specification: This assignment covers the following learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Unit Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 1 (1) Understand the background of aesthetic medicine 1.1 Analyse aesthetic medicine in relation to its historical context 1.2 Analyse aesthetic medicine in relation to its ethical context 1.3 Analyse aesthetic medicine in relation to its economic background (2) Understand the responsibilities of the General Medical Council (GMC) within aesthetic medicine 2.1 Critically analyse the role of the GMC in aesthetic medicine 2.2 Explain the role of the Advertising Standards Agency within aesthetic medicine (3) Understand the legal obligations associated with aesthetic medicine 3.1 Describe key legislation relevant to the aesthetic medicine industry 3.2 Critically analyse the use of promotional offers within aesthetic medicine 3.3 Explain the pre-treatment conditions that must be in place for good medical practice within aesthetic medicine 3.4 Critically analyse the role of product liability within aesthetic medicine 2 (1) Understand the importance of individualised treatments with reference to aesthetic medicine 1.1 Explain the implications of a client-centred approach to aesthetic medicine 1.2 Explain how common health conditions can have impact upon a treatment 1.3 Explain the aftercare measures required to support continuity of care 1.4 Explain the importance of continuity of care 1.5 Explain the role of the doctor and other professionals in facilitating therapeutic or lifestyle changes (2) Understand the actions required as part of the preprocedural client consultation and related informed consent process
2.1 Explain the topics to include within a pre-treatment practitioner-client consultation 2.2 Critically compare consent and informed consent 2.3 Explain shared decision making in the context of aesthetic medicine 2.4 Explain the role of record keeping with reference to practitioner-client consultations 2.5 Explain the importance of providing clients with detailed procedural information prior to a treatment decision 2.6 Explain the importance of providing clients with decisional time prior to a treatment decision 2.7 Evaluate the role of communication upon concordance with outcome expectations (3) Understand key methodological considerations general within aesthetic medicine
3.1 Explain the criteria required of a premises for practicing aesthetic medicine 3.2 Explain the necessity of physically examining a client prior to aesthetic medicine prescription or administration 3.3 Evaluate the use of topical anaesthetics within aesthetic medicine

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Unit Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 3.4 Critically evaluate the use of combination procedures to maximise outcomes 3.5 Explain the use of a routine audit of clinical outcomes to evaluate clinical actions 3.6 Explain the potential causes and effects of needle-stick injuries 3.7 Explain measures to take upon identifying a needle-stick injury 3.8 Describe the signs/symptoms associated with a vasovagal response 3.9 Explain means to manage a vasovagal response (4) Understand the relationship between specific physical qualities and concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.1 Describe the morphology of facial ageing 4.2 Assess the relationship between facial shape and concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.3 Assess the relationship between facial proportions and concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.4 Assess the role of symmetry in relation to concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.5 Assess the role of eyebrow shape in relation to concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.6 Assess the relationship between skin folds and concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.7 Assess the relationship between wrinkles and concepts of youth and attractiveness 4.8 Assess the role of facial contours in relation to concepts of youth and attractiveness 3 (1) Understand the key drivers for cosmetic procedures within aesthetic medicine 1.1 Explain the drivers for cosmetic procedures, with reference to psychological theories of attractiveness and appearance 1.2 Critically evaluate the two way relationship between social changes and aesthetic medicine 1.3 Evaluate the evidence supporting the impact of cosmetic procedures upon psychological wellbeing (2) Understand the key ‘at risk’ groups with reference to aesthetic medicine 2.1 Identify the key ‘at risk’ groups with reference to aesthetic medicine 2.2 Identify the NICE guidelines, referring to mental health, that are relevant to aesthetic medicine 2.3 Explain clinical evidence that might suggest the presentation of a specific mental health condition 2.4 Evaluate the use of screening tools to identify ‘at risk’ groups, referring to mental health 2.5 Explain responses upon identifying a client as ‘at risk’ (3) Understand how to respond to a range of psychological issues 3.1 Explain the importance of professional boundary setting within cosmetic psychology 3.2 Explain a range of pathways for providing psychological and emotional support 3.3 Explain psychological strategies to manage post-operative conceptions of unmet expectations

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Unit Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 3.4 Explain psychological strategies to manage post-operative post-decisional regret 4 (1) Understand the structure and function of the skin and hair 1.1 Describe the structure of skin 1.2 Explain the function of skin 1.3 Describe the structure of hair 1.4 Explain the function of hair 1.5 Explain the features of skin microbiology that are relevant to aesthetic medicine 1.6 Explain the features of the skin microbiome that are relevant to aesthetic medicine (2) Understand the impacts of age and dermatological condition upon the skin 2.1 Explain intrinsic skin ageing 2.2 Explain extrinsic skin ageing (3) Understand the use of dermatologically focussed tools and products 3.1 Critically appraise the effects of a range of basic skin care products 3.2 Critically appraise the effects of a range of cosmeceuticals 3.3 Explain the use of tools with reference to a skin health assessment 5 (1) Understand the biochemistry and mechanisms of action of botulinum toxin 1.1 Explain the key components of neuromuscular synaptic transmission 1.2 Explain the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin with reference to neuromuscular synaptic transmission 1.3 Explain the pre-injection preparation of botulinum toxin 1.4 Explain the dosage of a range of botulinum toxin products 1.5 Explain the pharmacodynamics of botulinum toxin (2) Understand the facial and neck anatomy relevant to the use of botulinum toxin within aesthetic medicine 2.1 Explain the blood vessels of relevance to the use of botulinum toxin 2.2 Explain the nerves of relevance to the use of botulinum toxin 2.3 Explain the muscles of relevance to the use of botulinum toxin 2.4 Critically compare static and dynamic wrinkling in relation to botulinum toxin use (3) Understand the risks and the management options, referring to adverse effects, associated with botulinum toxin administration 3.1 Explain the contraindications for the use of botulinum toxin 3.2 Explain the risks associated with a range of common botulinum toxin treatment areas 3.3 Explain the potential adverse effects associated with botulinum toxin administration 3.4 Describe the management options available in the event of an adverse effect post botulinum toxin administration 3.5 Formulate solutions to address a range of suboptimal therapeutic outcomes using knowledge of facial muscle interactions 3.6 Critically analyse the role of client occupation upon adverse effect orientated management options 7 (1) Understand the biochemistry and mechanisms of action of dermal fillers 1.1 Explain the mechanism of action of stimulatory fillers 1.2 Explain the biochemistry of permanent dermal fillers 1.3 Explain the biochemistry of semi-permanent dermal fillers 1.4 Explain the biochemistry of temporary dermal fillers

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Unit Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 1.5 Explain the pharmacology of permanent dermal fillers 1.6 Explain the pharmacology of semi-permanent dermal fillers 1.7 Explain the pharmacology of temporary dermal fillers 1.8 Critically contrast the biochemistry of replacement and stimulatory dermal fillers 1.9 Critically contrast the pharmacology of replacement and stimulatory dermal fillers 1.10 Contrast the use of dermal fillers with and without local anaesthetic (2) Understand the facial anatomy relevant to the use of dermal fillers within aesthetic medicine 2.1 Explain the facial blood vessels of relevance to the use of dermal fillers 2.2 Explain the facial nerves of relevance to the use of dermal fillers 2.3 Explain the facial fat pads of relevance to the use of dermal fillers 2.4 Explain the impact of age related anatomical and physiological changes upon dermal filler administration (3) Understand a range of techniques for the application of dermal fillers 3.1 Explain a range of injection techniques 3.2 Explain the use of needles referring to dermal fillers 3.3 Explain the use of cannulae referring to dermal fillers 3.4 Critically compare the advantages and disadvantages of needle use and the cannula technique (4) Understand the risks and the management options, referring to adverse effects, associated with dermal filler administration 4.2 Explain high risk treatment areas with reference to the use of dermal fillers