Is there a clear indication of why the material was selected for the review? How has the context of the topic within the research area been established and does it embrace cultural and technological change ahead?

Literature Review Assignment;

Each individual student in a study group is required to critique a literature review in context to the paper it underpins as well as to other literature reviews. Cultural and technological developments will be emphasized in the study. Students will work in groups on the assignment, but each student is required to submit an individual critique of a literature review of 1,500 – 2000 words.  The assessment grading criteria is formed around the six questions below to assist with structure and weighted as seen in the marking sheet below.

Groups can be anything from 3 to 6 in number. Each group member is advised to source an individual literature review and then discuss it with their group members. There will be activities in class to open up discussion to others and this will be included in the marking scheme. Then all the literature reviews from the group can be shared and cited in each individual members report if desired to show a comparison to the one the individual has chosen. This should be in addition to highlighting other individual reading.

The pivotal questions for the submission below will be incorporated in the marking scheme:

  1. Has the topic, aim, and scope of the literature been identified?
  2. Is there a clear indication of why the material was selected for the review?
  3. How has the context of the topic within the research area been established and does it embrace cultural and technological change ahead?
  4. Have key resources and landmark studies been included in the review? (requires assessments of citation analysis on Google Scholar or other databases.)
  5. How have the relationship between theory and empirical research been addressed and the main methodologies been identified?
  6. How has existing research been synthesized to open up a new perspective?