Describe the central components of their theory drawing heavily on the internet sources for assistance here.

You may NOT choose Freud though.
Title slide: Provide your name, the theorist’s name, and a catchy title.
Step 1: BIOGRAPHY Provide a decent biography regarding the chosen theorist. Consider how does their upbringing, education and life experiences shape their views on personality .
Step 2: THEORY BASICS Describe the central components of their theory drawing heavily on the internet sources for assistance here. ) All of these are REQUIRED.
How do they view women? How do they view religion? How do they say we develop our personality? How important is infancy? Do they think a personality can change? What really makes their ideas interesting or novel?
Step 3: SELF ANALYSIS What would this theorist say about you!! This will also be based on your own opinion. ) Step 4: COMPARE AND CONTRAST Contrast this theorist’s views with Freud and at least one other theorist we have or will cover in the class. You can choose the second person to contrast. How are they different? How are they similar? How do they each view personality? This can be done nicely in a table.
Step 5: TODAY’S VIEWS Does your theorist’s view hold up today? What do you think about some of their central views do they still make sense? Look up a central idea of theirs and report on one study that talks about it that is recent since 2000 at least. You can use google scholar to search.
Step 6: REFERENCE LIST Create a slide that has your references. (1 slide)
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