Outline of strategies to reduce serious organized crime or gang crime.


Write an essay that provides a criminology analysis of a specific example of serious organized crime OR GANG CRIME, your analysis must include points such as

(1)a critical definition of serious organised crime OR GANG CRIME;
(2)an identification of the key characteristics of the typical perpetrators and victims of the crime;
(3)an historical and comparative overview;
(4)an explanation of the causes of serious organised crime OR GANG CRIME in terms of criminological theories;
(5)an outline of strategies to reduce serious organised crime OR GANG CRIME;

You can select AN EXAMPLE OF A GROUP (e.g Mafia etc.) or TYPE OF CRIME (e.g drug trafficking etc.) as the subject of your analysis.

AS LONG AS IT IS LINKED TO gang crime, transnational organised crime, or serious organised crime with terrorism.