Compare and Contrast Public Opinion (Post Tet Offensive, Cambodia Battle) Intelligence (Midway vs. Tet Offensive)

Write an essay comparing and contrasting the U.S. military experiences in World War II with
that of the Vietnam War. Consider how the U.S. entered these wars, the type of the warfare,examples of specific battles, and issues within the ranks. Consider also the home front in each
of these wars. Use as your primary sources our books by Paul Kennedy The Engineers of Victory and by Gregory Daddis Westmoreland’s War.

1. Intro
2. Brief Intro
a. WW2
b. Vietnam War
3. What started the War
a. Attacked (Pearl Harbor)
b. Spread of Communism (Domino Theory)
4. Conventional Warfare vs. Guerrilla Warfare
a. Civilian Factor
b. Fighting Tactics
c. Uniforms
d. Intelligence
5. Allies
a. WW2 Support
b. Non-Support in Vietnam
6. Home Front
a. Public Opinion
b. Support vs. Non-Support
c. Politics
7. Outcome
a. Victory in Europe
b. Defeat in Vietnam
8. Conclusion
a. Thesis

Compare and Contrast
Public Opinion (Post Tet Offensive, Cambodia Battle)
Intelligence (Midway vs. Tet Offensive)
Conventional Warfare vs. Guerrilla Warfare (Uniforms, tactics, civilians)
Terrain (No front line/DZ)
Liberators vs. Colonists (Freeing Occupied France vs. Occupying Vietnam)