Differentiate between the components of the learning situation that are specific to the individual and those are more broadly applicable.

Learning Utopia

If you could suspend reality and create a perfect learning method for yourself, what would that look like? What type of resources and support would you need to make the learning process effective for you? In this assignment, you will describe your ideal learning situation. Start by identifying a skill or concept that you always wanted to learn. Which learning theory or theories best support how you would learn this topic? Reflecting on your past learning experiences, how you learn best, and what motivates you, describe the perfect learning situation for you to learn about your selected topic by using concepts and terminology consistent with the learning theories this course has explored. Compare this with the case study you chose for your other assignments. Which components should be tailored to the specific learner? Which components of your learning situation could be applied to a broader population? Evaluate the effectiveness of your learning situation for the case study. After applying your personal learning situation to the case study, think about how the same components might be applied to the broader population you may encounter in your specialized field of psychology, supporting your viewpoint with learning theories.

Make sure to include the following in your assignment:

Employ learning theory terminology and concepts to describe the learning situation.
Justify which learning theory best supports your personal learning situation.
Evaluate the role of motivation in this learning situation.
Evaluate how effective this learning situation would be with the previous case study and broader population.
Differentiate between the components of the learning situation that are specific to the individual and those are more broadly applicable.

Additional Requirements
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Length: 6–8 typed, double-spaced pages not including the title page and references. (Abstract is not needed.)
Number of references: Minimum of ten references.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (current edition) style and formatting standards.

My learning situation: Learning to play tennis

Previous case study use:
Jack’s parents describe him as being an “awkward geeky sort” throughout development. His very favorite thing to do is play video games, particularly creative and multiplayer games, and he is quite famous in his online communities.

At 10 years old, Jack is 5’ 7” tall, and physical education teachers have tried to coax him into athletic activities for years as they see his height as a true advantage. Jack’s parents say “his body hasn’t caught up with itself yet….he stumbles on stairs and bumps into walls…he just doesn’t have much coordination. He is a bit of a disaster waiting to happen”.
At school, Jack has begun to notice that social acceptance there has something to do with being able to play sports, and has now shared with his parents “I just want to be able to run fast and throw a ball…I’m tired of being picked last all the time in gym class, and I just want to fit in”, yet every time he plays catch with his mom, the ball goes nowhere he intends it to go and his mom noted that when he runs, he is very likely to trip on his shoes. They have noticed that Jack’s performance at school seems to be suffering lately; Jack claims it is a result of being a social outcast. As a result, Jack’s parents are seeking help with guiding his interest in learning these skills.

Terminologies learned in this course: Behaviorism, Classical Conditioning, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response,generalization, discrimination, and higher order conditioning, Learning Self-Reflection, Social Cognitive Theory, self-efficacy, Constructivism, Information Processing Theory: Encoding, Storage, Retrieval and Forgetting, Motivation, Metacognition and Self-Regulation, Multimedia Learning