Discuss the instrumental role of non-parental adults for trans youth.

Read articles attached and answer following questions:

1. In the Torres et al. (2015), article, a provider stated: “We call it the TRIFECTA: you need to have the parent, the community, and the school. You need to have all those three things to create a sense of safety and empowerment. If you only have one and not the other two, everything goes awry.” In the Doolin (2010) article, the author found that lesbian youth struggled with the lack of available community support. What are your thoughts on the TRIFECTA and how do you think resilience can be built in the three domains mentioned? Make your recommendations specific to underrepresented groups under the larger LGBTQ umbrella. Here, that includes trans and lesbian youth.

2. Results from the Torres et al. (2015) article discuss the parental role in a child’s medical transition. Also, the Mufioz-Plaza et al. (2002) article discuss the instrumental role of non-parental adults for trans youth. Considering these two articles – if you were a clinician serving a transgender youth – while their parent was present in therapy – how would you navigate the conversation about medical transitioning? How would you approach advocating for your client’s (youth) needs while also allowing the parent to be heard?