Discuss the method of market entry (Such as Joint Venture, Acquisition, Merger, Franchising or Strategic Alliance etc.)

Report Format:
Individual Assignment
•(1) An opportunities & risk analysis of your chosen country based on the ‘International Market Selection (IMS) framework. (Chapter 8 of the core text Hollensen)
•(2) A proposed segmentation(s) strategy based on the socio-cultural & geo-demographic analysis of your chosen country
•(3) A proposed integrated communications strategy IMC for your chosen segment(s).
Structure of a Report

•Executive summary
•Table of Contents
•Main Body (Question 1-3)
Executive Summary
•This section must capture the key summary of your findings, including question one, two and three.
Front Cover
•Report Title: Report on market entry into

1.0 Introduction:

•You can begin this section by briefly introducing the country and company and also briefly discuss the method of market entry (Such as Joint Venture, Acquisition, Merger, Franchising or Strategic Alliance etc. Also, you should state the focus of the report such as to assess and evaluate the opportunities and risks, a proposed segmentation based on socio-cultural, and geo- demographic of country A and a proposed integrated marketing communication strategy for the chosen segments.

2.0 Opportunities and risks

3.0 A proposed segmentation strategy based on socio-cultural and geo-demographic
•4.0 A proposed IMC for your chosen segments to support your dealerships.
