Define and discuss the New Public Management movement and re-engineering efforts

Assignment: Essay

Length: 6 pages

Spacing: Double-spaced

Style: APA; 12pt; Times New Roman

Other Files Provided: • Textbook
• Textbook Summaries
• 8 Sets of Notes
• Supporting Articles
Additional Criteria: • 2 paragraphs for each question
• Use headers for each question/section
• Use only the sources provided
• Use textbook material and notes as the main sources
• Use any “Supporting Articles” as applicable

1. Define and discuss government reform in terms of the provided sources.

2. Define and discuss organization theory in terms of the provided sources.

3. Define and discuss the New Public Management movement and re-engineering efforts in terms of the provided sources.

4. Define and discuss social equity in terms of the provided sources.

5. Define and discuss the budgetary process in terms of the provided sources.

6. Define and discuss the auditing function in terms of the provided sources.