Explain what you would tell someone who claimed that America is a meritocracy and the only thing holding people back is their “lack of hard work and effort”.

PROMPT: In what ways were the individuals in each article discriminated against? Using those examples, and other evidence presented in class and in your textbook, explain what you would tell someone who claimed that America is a meritocracy and the only thing holding people back is their “lack of hard work and effort”.

• Note: this an academic paper, not an opinion piece. Use evidence from lecture, your textbook and the readings to support your arguments. And avoid using logical fallacies.

REMEMBER: Before submitting your paper, check for the following things:
– Does your answer demonstrate that you read and understood the assigned articles?
– Did you answer ALL the questions in the prompt?
– Did you write about ALL the readings?
– Is your paper a minimum of 4 pages, double-spaced?
– Did you properly cite each reading each time you quoted, paraphrased, or made and assertion about what the author said? (Note, if you fail to cite, it will be considered plagiarism, and you will receive a 0!)
– Does your essay have proper structure? (an intro, a body, a conclusion)
– Did you proofread?