Determine how many barrels of Mountain Man Light need to be sold in 2006 in order to break even.

Using the case facts, you must:

(1) identify the managerial context, including the decision Prangel is facing, and his objective(s) for MMBC,

(2) thoroughly analyze the external circumstances in industry/market/category,

(3) thoroughly analyze MMBC’s current positioning and tactical decisions, and

(4) present a comprehensive set of marketing recommendations that will enable MMBC to meet its objectives.

(5) You should support your decision using quantitative analysis. The case provides sufficient information for you to conduct a straightforward, appropriate quantitative analysis, to help you determine what makes sense (or doesn’t), financially.

The quantitative analysis does not need to be complex, and does not require an Excel table.
To get you started, consider that you have the necessary information to approximate gross profit at the end of year 1. The case enables you to calculate: the size of the light beer market in 2006 (# of barrels); the total revenue per barrel of Mountain Man Lager shipped in 2005; the gross profit per barrel of Mountain Man Lager and for Mountain Man Light; and a reasonable assumption of the market share Mountain Man Light might achieve.
If you want to go further, the case enables you to make some assumptions about cannibalization rates of Mountain Man Lager, the marketing cost (year 1 and beyond) to launch Mountain Man Light – which can help you determine how many barrels of Mountain Man Light need to be sold in 2006 in order to break even. If you offer an analysis that involves assumptions about these factors (eg, what the cannibalization rate will be), you must tell me why you’ve assumed that particular rate.
Ensure that your exam submission includes your calculations along with brief textual descriptions of the calculations you conducted, how they helped you form an opinion about what Prangel should do next, and the results of your calculations. More bluntly: please don’t submit numbers without explaining what you’ve calculated and why the results are managerially useful.

please follow the format and structure in the marketing framework in the attached file, you can use bullet point to do the external and internal analysis (2-3pages) and please detailed the recommendation part (3-4pages)

Remember that analysis involves description + evaluation; you should present the relevant data/facts/information and then offer your opinion about whether/how that information poses a challenge or opportunity for MMBC.
Your recommendations should include specific and decisive statements about what you think Prangel should do and why.