What is the legal position of a buyer who took up a set of shipping documents and effected payment but subsequently discovered conflicting material information in the documents in that the bill of lading represented the goods as shipped at a contractual date while the date stated in the accompanying certificate of quality fell outside the agreed shipment period?

This question has two parts and should be answered accordingly.
a) “Antedated and false bills of lading are a cancer in international trade. A bill of lading is issued in international trade with the purpose that it should be relied upon by those into whose hands it properly comes—consignees (buyers), bankers and endorsees.” (Cresswell J. in Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corpn [1998] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 684 at 686.
− What is the legal position of a buyer who took up a set of shipping documents and effected payment but subsequently discovered conflicting material information in the documents in that the bill of lading represented the goods as shipped at a contractual date while the date stated in the accompanying certificate of quality fell outside the agreed shipment period?

b) Would you consider c.i.f. sales arrangements a contract for the sale of documents relating to the stipulated goods? Justify your answer with the aid of decided cases and any material you have studied.
The recommended book is Law of International Trade Fifth edition. This paper is 100% overall mark. its 5000 words including footnotes but excluding bibliography. There is no specific number of sources but it must as least have some journals, articles and books.