How should PMC approach international markets to support growth?

ParkMyCloud’s (PMC) focus over the next few years is growth. While opportunity in the United States market may be PMC’s focus for the next 5–10 years, investing to meet needs abroad could provide stability for the future by minimizing sole reliance on the US market. This means investments in partnerships, technology, and internal resources.
How should PMC approach international markets to support growth?

Be sure to answer the following questions in your report:

Should PMC go narrow or broad when it comes to international expansion? Explain your stance.
In what areas of the business will PMC need to make investments? Why?
How should these investments be prioritized?
What plans does PMC already have for investment?
How should PMC plan to enter specific countries or regions?
Why should PMC focus on the areas you suggest now? Explain.

Your paper should be 10-12 pages long
Have a relevant introduction outlining what topics will be discussed. Concluded with a strong conclusion that takes a stance supporting your critical thinking. Do not simply rewrite the introduction in the conclusion. Cite a minimum of 6 scholarly sources to support your positions, claims, and observations (Please use one of the provided sources). Relevant subheadings for each topic discussed Each paragraph should be 4-6 sentences long and supported by 1-2 in-text citations in each paragraph.