Assessment – criteria
The assignment will be marked using the level 6 criteria for academic and non-competency based assignments in the Dip/BSc/BSc (hons) Health care Practice Student Handbook and also in accordance with the following module specific criteria.
Critically applies understanding of the medico-legal and ethical issues to the case scenario and demonstrates how it is integrated in the consultation process
Critically analyses the assessment data generated from the history taking and physical examination process and conveys an awareness and relevance of the ‘red flags’ in the decision making process.
Debate the component clinical problems resulting from disease processes, and make robust, holistic differential diagnoses and clinical decisions relating to these
Shows a systematic knowledge of pathophysiology of the presenting condition and how it links to the clinical presentation
Demonstrates diagnostic interpretative knowledge in exploring relevant tests and examinations in the clinical reasoning process
Critically explores the wider determinants of health in relation to the individual, community and society.
Critically evaluates the patient’s management plan in a holistic way and consider how future practice can be enhanced.
I will provide the patient case, history and the differential diagnosis we are going to work. Also help with the case.
I have attached a file with what I have written so far. Not much to be honest.