Discuss the principles of lifestyle advice you would provide to this gentleman and his family, to help with Simons desire to lose weight.

MODNAP Modern Management of Diabetes: Nutrition and Pharmacotherapy Module Individual Written Assignment: (2000 words in total)The assignment is divided into 3 sections:Simon has type 2 diabetes and has been referred by his GP to the diabetes multidisciplinary team for holistic support with his diabetes care. He is clear in his desire to reduce his overall cardiovascular risk whilst also wanting to reduce the risk of developing diabetes related co-morbidities and microvascular complications. He lives at home with his wife and works as a heating engineer and is a current driver. Simon does feel he would be able to make some lifestyle changes to reduce his weight.
58years old
Type 2 diabetes diagnosed at the age of 56years old
Current smoker – roll up cigarettes (20 per day)
Takes Metformin 1g twice daily
No other regular medicines
Weight 102Kg
Height 175cm
HbA1c 69mmol/mol (8.5%)
eGFR 68ml/min , ACR 15mg/g
BP – 155/97 in clinic (regularly measured above 150/90)Section 1 (30%)
Using the information above discuss the principles of lifestyle advice you would provide to this gentleman and his family, to help with Simons desire to lose weight. Link this to evidence, but ensure more practical points are also discussed.Section 2 (30%)
Outline Simon’s cardiovascular risk factors, and focusing on the non-glucose related targets to reduce cardiovascular risk, suggest treatment options with a link to the evidence base in those areas.Section 3 (30%)
Focusing on Simon’s glucose related targets, discuss the viable options for second line therapy for treatment of hyperglycemia. Which options would be suitable for Simon, discussing the benefits to HbA1c and the other pleotropic effects of diabetes medications suggested?
Referencing (5%)
Presentation (5%)There is a word limit of 2,000 words Please state your word count on your assignment, which should include the main body of the text excluding titles, subtitles, tables, figures, captions, and references. A penalty for exceeding the allowed word count may be applied. All reflections must be pdf converted before submission and the text must be submitted in the following standard format:
Arial 11-point font size
1-inch margins left and right, top and bottom
1.5 line spacing with normal spacing of words
Vancouver style referencing