Discuss:Cybersecurity Strategy and the Implementation Plan.

Develop Your Presentation:
Using your prior work (Projects 1 & 2), develop a high-level summary presentation of your Cybersecurity Strategy and the Implementation Plan. You will need between 20-30 slides to fully address the requirements listed below; this slide count includes the slides for titles, section titles, and references. Remember to include speaker notes for the agenda slide, section title slides, and content slides. Your notes should be at least 20 words / one paragraph but no longer than 150 words / 3 paragraphs per slide.
Your presentation must include the following:
• Title Slide with title, your name, the date, and this course
• Agenda Slide
• Overview of the M&A effort (multiple slides – use the assignment overviews / background sections to put together a summary that answers: who, what, where, why, how)
• Section Title Slide: Cybersecurity Strategy
• Content Slides: provide a summary of your proposed Cybersecurity Strategy (Project 1)
• Section Title Slide: Cybersecurity Implementation Plan
• Content Slides: provide a summary of your proposed Cybersecurity Implementation Plan
• Section Title Slide: Barriers to Success
• Content Slides: five separate slides – one for each factor (identify each barrier to success and provide a recommended countermeasure or compensating action that the company could implement to reduce the risk of failure). This section will expand upon your “barriers to success” as discussed in Project #2.
• Section Title Slide: Summary & Recommendations
• Content Slide: present a recommendation that the strategy & implementation plan be approved by the Board of Directors for adoption and implementation by the company. Include 5 major business benefits of adoption and implementation. This may be new content (not previously included in projects 1 & 2).
• Section Title Slide: References
• Content Slides(s) that include reference list entries for your resources. Do not cite your own work for Projects 1 & 2.