​Discuss key learnings from Steve Job’s video on “Connecting the Dots, Staying Hungryand Staying Foolish”

ORGA 310 MidtermStudent Name: ____________________________Hi Team – This is your Midterm and I trust that you will work on this yourself (individual effort) and not ingroups / teams. Luckily you have a week and you should be able to review the course material to do well inthis test. Deadline to upload your Answers on Blackboard is ​Saturday August 1st by midnight (Firmdeadline).Question 1 : ​Briefly​ ​describe the ​Point of View​ (POV) of : Followers / Bureaucrats / Administrators /Contrarians / Leaders . Now self reflect and truly ask yourself what is your POV and how can youensure you start to embrace a Leader’s POV in coming years.Question 2 : ​What did Col. Larry mean by saying “​I could make a leader out of anyone …? ​” Don’t youagree that if leaders are naturally born to lead then Col. Larry, can’t make a leader out of anyone !Question 3​:Medical School Students: ​Lowest grade, least productive were Givers, Takers were high performers, topmarks, etc.Engineers: ​Least Productive and least effective were Givers = Worst on performance, productivity, meetingdeadlinesExplain the above observations. Is it better to be a ​Taker​ or a ​Giver​ ?Question 4: ​Following Salk’s grand speech after his discovery of the Polio vaccine, his researchactivities took a hit. When describing “​takers​” and “​givers​”, we discussed the important role “​matchers​”play. Can you elaborate on the role of “​matchers​” in relation to Salk’s downfall ?Question 5: ​Fill in the blanks and explaineach box that refers to the lecture on‘Givers’ and ‘Takers’ :
Question 6: ​As per the ‘​Innovator’s Method Video​’ what are the 4 key steps inmanaging the process of uncertainty of innovation ? ​Provide a detailedexplanation for each.Question 7: ​Discuss John C. Maxwell’s 5 levelsof leadershipQuestion 8: ​What was the whole point of showing you optical illusions (example: ​Shepherd’s tableand colored boxes​) in lecture 2 ?Question 9: ​Provide a detailed discussion of “​Information Bias​”Question 10: ​For this part of the midterm please go to :https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/selectatest.html10a. Take one of the tests that you may find interesting to learn / discover about yourself10b. Explain your findings through the lens of your “reflective self” vs. “automatic self”.Question 11: ​You have been hired by a large Alberta based company as the Executive VicePresident of Human Resources. Soon you hear that the culture is quite toxic towards women and inparticular women of color. Provide various strategies that you would use to transform the culture ofthe company and make it a diverse, inclusive and an equal opportunity organization. (​Hint : Don’tforget to reference Dr. Dasgupta’s research from Lecture #2​ :)Question 12: ​ The following equation appears in the book “StrengthFinder” :Talent x Investment = Near Perfect Performance2
Explain.Question 13: ​Discuss key learnings from Steve Job’s video on “Connecting the Dots, Staying Hungryand Staying Foolish”Question 14: ​Discuss key learnings from Clay Christenson’s video on “Job to be Done”.Question 15:​ Due to Covid-19, an Alberta based manufacturer of “elevator doors” is about to shutdown their doors and fire their employees. It has been almost a year that they haven’t had any salesand Covid has made things worse. The CEO / Founder of the company is in need of strategicguidance to help transform the business. She (​you were probably imagining a he ?​) heard that you aretaking Orga 310 and understand Theodore Levitt’s “​What Business Are you In​”. Luckily, you are alsoone of the few who have not missed any of the weekly ‘in person / virtual’ sessions and you havealso paid attention to Lecture #3 :)a.Can you figure out what business the ‘Elevator Door’ manufacturer is truly in ? // Please takeyour time and allow this question to ferment. It is not as easy as it sounds.b.Why is knowing the answer to question (a) so important ?c.Once you figure out what business the company is truly in, provide follow up strategies onthe business growth / expansion3