I have included my journals up to July. This paper is supposed to be a summative story of my journey of weight loss, possible strength gains, and reducing my shoulder pain.
I’ve also included an image of the stages of change and the theory of planned behavior is a theory that links one’s beliefs and behaviour. The theory states that attitude, subject norms, and perceived behavioural control, together shape an individual’s behavioural intentions and behaviours.
These are some specific instructions from the professor:
• Address the issues of patient adherence to healthy behaviors.
• Include your insights related to patients’ adherence to physical therapy treatments including home programs.
• Describe at least two of the following health behavior models (more if you like) and apply them to your own health behavior change.
the Transtheoretical (Stages of Change Model)
Health Belief Model
Theory of Planned Behavior
Theory of Reasoned Action
Thank you in advance.