Develop a scope statement. Define assumptions and exclusions; be sure to document them.

This is a 2 part assignment, You will submit: a Project Scope Statement with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a solar panel project.
• The project should be the installation of a solar panel system on a commercial building. You will need to do a little research to get some data to use for your project. Here are a few good places to look at for some ideas:, (Links to an external site.) and
• Develop a scope statement. Define assumptions and exclusions; be sure to document them.
• Develop a WBS for your project down to level 3 at a minimum (6 at the maximum) and for at least one of the categories, down to a work package. There are also resources in the module that help to explain a WBS. If your work shows a severe lack of understanding of a WBS, I assume you have not done all your reading assignments.
Lecture Notes
The scope of the project is the ‘what’ you are going to do and accomplish. It is everything! Without scope you cannot have a project. Defining the what enables us to define the rest of the project, including risk, time, and cost. Defining this scope comes from your list of requirements, or the elements or outcomes that are established by the client or internal authority in your company. Requirements turn into scope, which is then broken down via the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
attached is a PowerPoint that gives a little more clarity on the major elements of a scope statement.
Also attached is a scope statement template. It includes an example of what to include in the scope statement. The scope statement does not have to be as long as the template.