Discuss the genre differences, and identify the aesthetics of dance within each dance genre.

Writing Assignment: Dance Concert Critique<br>Submit Assignment<br><br>1. Students will be able to apply critical thinking to the viewing, analysis, and interpretation of dance works.<br>2. Students will be introduced to the elements of dance and methods for dance analysis.<br>3. Students will be able to distinguish between dance genres, discuss the genre differences, and identify the aesthetics of dance within each dance genre.<br><br>WRITING ASSIGNMENT:<br><br>Now is your chance to see live dance performed in your local community. When possible, it is recommended that you attend your school’s semester dance concert, since this will inform you of dance opportunities in your community and help support the arts program at your school. Other possibilities would be to select a live dance concert at another community college or four-year institution in your area or concerts performed by local professional dance companies. It is strongly recommended that you get prior approval from your instructor before attending and critiquing the dance concert you have chosen. Please do not review a music concert that happens to have dance incorporated in it, or a competition dance show, or a high school performance. The goal of this assignment is to expose you to the world of live concert dance as art rather than commercial entertainment.<br><br>Please respond to the performance in a formal dance critique.<br><br>Display through your critique (500 to 750 words) your thorough understanding of the Language of Dance elements covered in the course, the historical context in which the dance was created, the theatrical elements incorporated into the production and your concluding analysis of the success of the piece as a concept and performance.<br><br>In your critique, select two pieces from the concert and analyze them in a compare and contrast paper. Include specific observations from each dance to support your analysis. Do not go into analysis of each and every piece in the concert (as that will yield a superficial coverage); what you should provide is an in-depth breakdown of the two selected pieces. Feel free to bring a pen with you to take notes inside your program during short pauses between pieces.<br><br>Don’t forget the details!<br><br>Remember to include the title of the piece, refer to the choreographer by last name (after introducing them with their full name), check your spelling and grammar, organize your paper into succinct and articulate paragraphs with topic sentences that refer directly to your thesis statement and support your analysis with concrete observations using Language of Dance terminology as appropriate.<br><br>Please Note: You may find that reading through the Elements of Production lecture in Lesson 16 may help you make stronger observations of the theatrical elements of the dance performance. Also, a review of the Framework for Analysis in the Modern Dance lesson will also be extremely helpful in building your analysis for this assignment.<br><br> <br><br>Rubric<br>Dance Concert Critique<br>Dance Concert Critique<br>Criteria Ratings Pts<br>This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Accurate use of Language of Dance terminology<br>Student uses correct terminology in an effective coherent way that relates directly to the content and question at hand.<br>5.0 to &gt;0.0 pts<br>Full Marks<br>0.0 pts<br>No Marks<br>5.0 pts<br>This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Compare/Contrast paper<br>Includes references to the online reading and historical content to support argument. Communicates ideas with clarity and thoughtfulness.<br>40.0 to &gt;0.0 pts<br>Full Marks<br>0.0 pts<br>No Marks<br>40.0 pts<br>This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome The submission is written at a college level standard.<br>Submission has academic integrity, grammar, spelling and punctuation.<br>5.0 to &gt;0.0 pts<br>Full Marks<br>0.0 pts<br>No Marks<br>5.0 pts<br>Total Points: 50.0