Do you believe it is fair to be so harsh on this country. Are other countries much “better”?

For this assignment, please think carefully. Everyone will answer the first question. After,please select ONE of the questions.Do your best to proofread and edit, and please do not consult sources.This is not an essay, so you do not have to worry about an intro, etc. You do, however, have to be thorough in your explanations and provide one or two examples.2 and 1/2 pages pages, double spaced, times new roman 12, will suffice, but you are welcome to add more. Please have at least a side of a page for each question. Do not rewrite the question, but do indicate the number you are answering.Feel free to say what you wish; no judgments..and I am the only one reading this!Due: Sunday, August 2, 11 59 P.M.Thanks!EVERYONE ANSWERS THIS QUESTION:1.Today’s generation is often accused of not caring about what is going on in this country or in the world. That is, some individuals claim that, unless something is happening to them personally, they have no interest.Do you believe this is a fair assumption? Explain.SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:2. Is there a social issue you feel very strongly about? Today, the most apparent topic is race,but you may choose anything you wish. How far are you willing to go to fight for this cause?Prison? Death? Explain.3. Do you agree or disagree (keeping the video in mind) that American is not the greatestnation? What does that, in your opinion, even mean? More importantly, if people are so quick to judge America, why do so many from other nations want to come here? Do you believe it is fair to be so harsh on this country. Are other countries much “better”?
Good luck, and thank you for sharing your thoughts…My Best,