What is a model?
A model demonstrates the researcher’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another and are developed based on qualitative research. Models often are precursors to theory development.
Three of the most prominent nursing models categorized as focusing on goals and functions include Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing, Johnson’s behavioral system model, and Pender’s health promotion model.
[The purpose of the assignment is clearly stated in a fully formed paragraph of at least five sentences in length supported with relevant background and peer reviewed source support.]
Chosen model should contain a minimum of five to 10 characteristics.
[5-10 characteristics identified]
Application to your advanced practice role should show how the characteristic will inform your advanced practice role upon graduation.
[This part of the assignment demonstrates substantial integration of course materials and/or use of upper level thinking.]
[The conclusion restate the main idea, summarize at least three subpoints, in a fully formed paragraph of a minimum of five sentences in length with peer reviewed source support.]
Overall # Bold Criteria Met/Not Met
[Overall # Mastery Criteria Met/Not Met]