Write the problem statement for the public health issue identified in the case study.

Written for DR PH Advocacy and Policy course
Write a 2-page case study analysis that synthesizes the following:
Title page and Table of Contents
Write the problem statement for the public health issue identified in the case study.
In one paragraph, provide background to the public health issue identified in the case study.
In one paragraph, overview current governmental policy associated with this public health issue.
From the perspective of the politics discipline, explain the following:
The political issues surrounding this public health issue.
Whether the government has a history of supporting or opposing interventions that address this public health issue and why.In one paragraph, describe intervention(s) currently in place to address this public health issue.
In one paragraph, propose an alternative intervention to address this public health issue.
In one paragraph, conclude your analysis by summarizing the key points and takeaways.APA reference page
Be sure to reference at least three current scholarly articles throughout your paper.
Note: The 2-page requirement excludes the Title page, Table of Contents, and APA reference page.
Bhattacharya, D. (2013). Public health policy: Issues, theories, and advocacy. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Review the case study and select one to further investigate:
Chapter 18, “Emergency Preparedness and Infectious Diseases” (pp. 403–425)
Please find 1 more additional peer reviewed articles (PDF’s attached in portal).References
Bhattacharya, D. (2013). Public health policy: Issues, theories, and advocacy. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Lutz, C. S., Huynh, M. P., Schroeder, M., Anyatonwu, S., Dahlgren, F. S., Danyluk, G., Fernandez, D., Greene, S. K., Kipshidze, N., Liu, L., Mgbere, O., McHugh, L. A., Myers, J. F., Siniscalchi, A., Sullivan, A. D., West, N., Johansson, M. A., & Biggerstaff, M. (2019). Applying infectious disease forecasting to public health: a path forward using influenza forecasting examples. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1659. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7966-8
Nuzzo, J. B., Meyer, D., Snyder, M., Ravi, S. J., Lapascu, A., Souleles, J., Andrada, C. I., & Bishai, D. (2019). What makes health systems resilient against infectious disease outbreaks and natural hazards? Results from a scoping review. BMC Public Health, 19(1), N.PAG. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7707-z