Describe what counseling with your client would entail if you were guided by this theory

Describe what counseling with your client would entail if you were guided by this theory. Using as many of the practices and concepts listed above as you can, discuss the following: a. What would be your “big picture” goals with the client? (use the theory) b. Characterize your therapeutic stance from this approach. c. What would be your key interventions from the theory and how would you use them in a culturally responsive way? What would skillful application entail for your client? Think about things like age, culture, identity, history and other contextual factors. What would you do –or not do—to effectively use the practices from this theory with your client? Your theoretical practice section should be 2-3 pages, adhere to APA format, use a subheading for each question, and make use of at least 2 relevant professional sources (at least 1 new source beyond sources used in theoretical understanding section). 5. Reflective Practitioner Reflect on the “fit” of this theory for you. a. What appeals to you, makes sense to you, or seems helpful to clients? b. What represents a challenge to you in this model—is not a natural fit, challenges your views, or seems hard to understand or implement? c. What is at least one concept from the theory that you can bring into your practice? Your reflective practitioner section should be 1 page and does not require professional resources, but such resources may support or bolster your reflections. 6. Treatment Plan should include clear goals for therapy that align with the theory