Explain and discuss aspects of the solutions that might work for your area and the aspects that might not work for your area

This paper follows a clear organization construct into sections that each contain multiple paragraphs.
Section 1: Introduction Introduce the problem and solution that contains the following: an attention getter, background information to the problem, and then transition to introducing the problem for your focus that leads to a thesis that proposes the solution.
Section 2: Defining the Problem Define the scope of the problem (who does it effect? how many people?). Remember that this needs to show the extent of harm. This section will need more than one paragraph. Define what causes the problem (look for research that helps to prove causation). Remember to look for the root causes. This section will need more than one cause, and each cause should be in its own paragraph.
Section 3: Solving the Problem Describe previous solution one. Describe previous solution two. Explain and discuss aspects of the solutions that might work for your area and the aspects that might not work for your area. Propose your solution (shoot for a strong solution that you clearly describe…try to include clear steps to the solution). Justify the solution (what is the cost or emotional benefit?).
Section 4: Conclusion Summarize your main points from section two and three. End with a call to action. Evidence: must quote, paraphrase, and summarize from your sources to best help the reader understand your discussion