Discuss history and development of three key UK music industry structures.

Write an essay identifying and analysing the history and development of three key UK music industry structures.
The essay should be researched and referenced using Harvard Referencing.
Keep the time scale within the last 15 years.
Consider the kind of industry structures that are in place: Record making, from demos through to distribution of final product to listeners.
Consider the kind of industry structures that are in place: Rights holders; mechanical copyright, publishing deals.
Consider the kind of industry structures that are in place: Touring and live performance.
Consider the kind of industry structures that are in place: Promotion of a release by PRs.
Consider the kind of industry structures that are in place: Traditional media in the world of social media; how instant comms have changed things.
Consider the kind of industry structures that are in place: New business models; how money is made in music in a post – Napster, post-streaming world.
Please avoid using full web-based source. If possible, use high quality published literature instead.
The Industry by Ann Harrison is a recommended read due to being a straightforward, well written, and UK-centric in nature.