What if Henry VIII had remained married to Katherine of Aragon

What if Henry VIII had remained married to Katherine of Aragon?
Talk about Anne Boleyn has she was the reason the religious reformation happened in the first place (The king’s great matter)
Anne Boleyn would not loose her head, Lords like Thomas Moore would not have died, Henry most likely would not have married 5 more wives.
. The English religious reformation never would have happened
The pope would have still had power over England, and England would continue to pay tax to Rome. Catholicism would have remained the religion, King Henry would not have seized the properties of the church and sold the entire contents of it to the Gentries.
England became wealthy, they did not have to pay taxes to Rome any longer, an acquired the wealth of the former Catholic monasteries.
The religious persecution that followed would not have happened.

Ann Boleyn’s even if she had still given birth to Elizabeth I, Elizabeth would have never been Queen of England.
(discuss and analyze the reign of Elizabeth (which is the golden age due to the growth and successes England experienced during that age). The Spanish Armada would not have happened because England and Spain would have still had an alliance due to the marriage of both Henry and Katherine of Aragon. Expand on the victory of the Spanish Armada because this war did happen and its ushered England into a major power in the world at that time.
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