Discuss core descriptive statistics


Discussion of confidence intervals of both Test and Quiz means associated with each Group analyzed and a user friendly comparison there of.

Development of Hypothesis tests to help prove a case one way or another in the differences between the groups in question. Use gravitas to set up your hypothesis test, confidence interval and test statistic(s)

Discussion of assumptions built into your analysis (for any of the tools/processes to be used)

Discussion of core descriptive statistics of each group analyzed.

Some guidance:

1. Your analysis may compare each test/quiz against each group or an AGGREGATE of all tests or all quizzes against each group. If your group does each test individually you may get more insight. Your call.

2. Assume each section took the same test/quiz.

3. Use as many tools as you have been exposed this semester to do core descriptive statistics and subsequent inferential statistics.

4. I’ll leave it to your gravitas to organize your paper to cover the core requirements above. My only request is to USE APA format please.

5. Treat gaps in data as that gaps. Do not assign a 0, treat it as not taking the exam for calculating mean purposes.

6. Use StatCrunch for all statistical analysis. I’ll help with core features, but it will take some additional work to do the analysis that is required. Hint StatCrunch enables you to capture all of its statistical output. I highly suggest to keep your statistical output.