Identify the relevance and application of these concepts to practice.

A critical summary of the article is posted, discussed, and demonstrates the RN learner’s ability to locate, analyze, apply, and identify the relevance and application of these concepts to practice.
The presentation includes, but is not limited to the following.
The main ideas and concepts of the article
An example from nursing practice that illustrates the relevance of this article
Discussion points and questions that emerge from reading and summarizing the article
Submit the PDF file of the self-selected, peer-reviewed, evidence-based practice and recent journal article.

The presentation should be in a multimedia format. Acceptable media include, but are not limited to PowerPoint, video, Prezi, SlideShare, VoiceThread, and so forth. The presentation should be approximately 5 to 10 minutes. If no narration is provided for a slide presentation, each slide is considered to be the equivalent of thirty seconds.

All references, in APA writing style format, used in the presentation should be submitted separately in a Word document. This assignment is worth 300 points or 20% of course grade.